12- Maybe Anything Will be Our Always...

Start from the beginning

"Oh shut up!" Del yelled at them as she picked up a rock and threw it directly at Rocky's face.

"Ow!" He whined as it hit him hard on the nose. "Mom, Rydel hit me!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"



"Shut up!" I said as I got up. I held my hand out for Rydel, and she accepted it. I helped her up, walked past my brothers and went inside. The others were right behind me.

I guess all the noise we made woke Riker up, because he was sitting in the lounge room floor when we walked in. He had a tub of ice cream in his hands with a spoon and a very sad look.
"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My ice cream melted!" He looked as if he was going to cry. My heart almost broke seeing my baby so upset.

"Oh big deal," Rocky said sarcastically. "Meanwhile my nose is bleeding!" He yelled.

"Shut up dick head!" Riker yelled. I looked at Rocky. His expression turned to a very serious, aggressive one.

Here we go...

"What did you say to me you little shit?" He yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Riker screamed again. Rocky's hand turned into a fist before he ran over to my boyfriend and started punching his stomach. I quickly ran over to them and pulled Rocky off of Riker.

"YOU LITTLE FAGGOT! YOU WILL REGRET THAT!" Rocky screamed. Riker was on the floor screaming out in pain, clutching his stomach. THE BABY! I threw Rocky to the ground near my mom and Rylands feet and run over to my babies.

"Oh my god, Riker! Hold on!" I panicked as I picked him up. "Rydel we're going to the hospital!" I ran out the door and over to six, my car. Rydel grabbed my keys from inside and unlocked him... I mean it...yea...
I opened the back door and put Riker in. I then raced to the drivers seat as Rydel went in the passengers seat, and we sped off.


I was holding Riker in my arms bridal style as all three of us bursted into the hospital. I ran up to the front desk. "I need to see doctor André please! It's an emergency!" I exclaimed.

The lady at the front desk was different to the one before. She had brown hair, was in about her late 40's and barely looked up from her computer. "Do you have an appointment?" She said bluntly.

"No b-"

"Please fill out this form and I will see what I can do." She placed a butt load of paper work on the desk I front of me.

"My brother was just beaten up!" I half shouted.

"That's not my business, now please fill out the form." Well this lady is extremely helpful, I thought. I really wanted to strangle her! My baby could be dying and she isn't helping me!!!

-wait... Did I say 'My' baby? I meant to say Riker's baby... Yeah!
But being a father wouldn't be such a bad idea...


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