Chapter 1

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Word Count: 1550

I gasp lightly as he takes my hand gently linking them with his. He leads me to what he describes as the perfect café, nice service, perfect room, and very drinks. I can feel the excitement rush through me as we arrive at the café, my fingers trembling, my heart racing, and my head spinning. He pushes the glass door open and we walk in.

I feel the cold air hit me in the face as I inhale through my nose and exhale from my mouth. He leads me to a small table next to the window, chuckling a bit at my behavior before he gets up saying he'll come back he just needs to order our drinks. I gather my hands on the small table, before feeling my phone vibrate as I put my stick down. I take it out of my pocket and my phone reads the Caller ID out loud for me "Mother" I smile at the though of my mothers call. Answering the phone as I remember what my Mom said before 'You always swipe right.'

"Hello?" I answer waiting for my mother to speak "Honey you need to come home now!" What? I literally just got here "Why?" I ask as I furrow my eyebrows "There's someone here that would like to see you" 'who?' I ask myself, sighing as I end the phone call.

Just then, as if fate I feel TaeHyung arrive and set our drinks down "I'm very sorry but I need to go" I say in a disappointed manner "So soon?" He replies "yes I'm very sorry my mother just called" " least let me take you home" "no no! You really don't have to go through that much trouble I'll just call my mom" "no no I insist please?" After minutes of arguing I finally just give in and say yes.

Helping me off the table, as I pull my stuck to the floor tapping the hard ground in front of me. Opening the door for as he helps me down the stairs he walks me to the nearby parking lot where his car is. He opens the door for me and leads me in the car as he takes my stick and puts it in the back seat.

I can feel him get in the car and I quickly smile to myself 'this is so exhilarating!' I think in my head "anything funny?" He asks as his deep voice sends chills throughout my spine "no no nothing" I say almost laughing "just never had a man drive me home before" I mentally give myself a smack, I already regret it. I can hear him sneak a little chuckle under his breath 'well it won't be the last time either.'

Starting up the car, I quickly grasp my seatbelt. Hey, safety first. I give him the directions to my house and he puts on the navigation system. The whole car ride quiet but not an awkward silence, it's a silence I can't seem to explain.

And it seems that the silence keeps putting me to sleep. My head lowers as I keep nodding off into a deep slumber but I quickly snap out of it thinking that it would be rude if I go to sleep while he's giving me a ride home. I keep protesting but, it seems my body is putting up a better fight. And I guess in the end my eyes shut on their own and I end up sleeping in his car.

My body moving and swaying from side to side as the bumps in the road make the car bounce. Soon my whole body goes numb and I can't seem to feel the swaying of my body anymore, instead I only feel how chest heaves up and down as I breathe from my mouth heavily.

I feel like someone lifted me up out of the car and I open my eyes in a tired manner and I move my hands to touch what holding me. I rome my hands on the persons face and chest first and I realize I'm being picked up my him. "Oh I'm sorry did I wake you?" I feel the sharp shiver run down my spine as his chest rises up and down on my arm.

My heart picking up its pace as he continues to carry me  "oh no no I'm just a sort of light sleeper, you can put me down I must be really heavy" my face heating up as the sudden realization hits me, oh how embarrassing.  "Nope your as light as a feather plus you just woke up I don't want you stumbling" oh my.

I wake up, this time my eyelids managing to keep themselves up and finally convince him to put me down in front of the door. "Thank you so much TaeHyung, I really appreciated it" I say, a sincere smile on my face, even though it probably looks ugly.

"It was my pleasure" he replies. I suddenly hear the shuffling of his feet and I bring my gaze lower. Even though sadly, I can't see it.  "Can I see your phone?" I bring my gaze back up. And I can hear the trembling of his voice. "Why?" I must've sounded like an asshole.

"I wanna give you my number" he says laughing awkwardly, already? Giving me his number already? "Haha sure I would love to see you again" I laugh. Sure why not give my phone number to a total stranger! Even though he did buy me coffee, give me ride, and even carried me lets totally give him my number for that.

I dig in my pockets, the rustling of candy wrappers clearly heard. I smile to myself before handing him my phone. I hear him putting his number in, 'is this actually happening?' He hands me back my phone and I accept it gladly "what did you save your self as?" I ask "you'll find out soon" he replies, a train of thoughts go through my head. Thoughts you do not need to know about. But, not those thoughts you perverted people.

Why not call him now? "Is it okay if I call you?" I ask as he hands me my phone back. "I suppose" he chuckles, no more like giggling mischievously.

I smile as I ask him to hit the button. Usually I would do it but I don't know where he put his number. Probably at the top but I'm not risking calling some of my relatives that are extremely weird and will scream into the phone the moment they pick up. Laughing at my sudden weird thoughts my eyes widen as I feel contact but, skin to skin contact. It can't be, is he kissing me? Aw shit, I should've been prepared.

This is my first kiss and I don't know what to do so I just stand there wanting to accept and return his kiss but also not wanting to embarrass my self. "Just move your lips like me" he whispers on my lips in a shaky breathy tone, finally catching on to what was happening. I start to move my lips as I put my hands on his shoulders deepening the kiss. I feel like we're the only two people on earth.

Sure HanEul why not just give your first kiss away to someone you just met. First your phone number now your first kiss, how swell!

The door opens but, it seems like he doesn't want to stop.  "Ehem!" I hear someone suddenly falsely cough, probably to catch our attention.

But it's a failed attempt.

We quickly break apart as the person stomps their foot. "hmm HanEul I never knew you get so intense with someone you just me." I furrow my eyebrows 'where do I know this voice from?' JiHye?" I ask in disbelief "you guessed it shorty" I knew it "come here!" I yell spreading my arms out for her. I can feel her come into my arms and hug me back. I hug her with all my might "what are you doing in Korea again?" I ask tears in my eyes "don't cry you baby!" She says wiping my tears. "Your mom got me a plane ticket!"

Meet Han JiHye my Best Friend ever since I was six she was there for me helping me up when I fell, playing with me when no would, buying me snacks when I was hungry, and becoming my friend when no one would. But sadly she had to move when we turned 16. I missed her so much that I wouldn't come out of my room for like a month.

Sometging suddenly comes to my ear, "I'll leave so you can catch up with your friend" he says "oh okay call me!" I yell as he's leaving "you bet babe!" 'Babe?' Just how fast are we moving here? But, I can't say I didn't like it.

Me and JiHye go inside to catch up and thank my mother for everything...
Hi! So chapter two is out! But I have nothing to say I hope you like it!

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