Chapter Fifteen

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"My-My uncle gave it to me. It ran in the family and he got the car instead of my dad. He gave it to me since he didn't have kids of his own and when I have kids, my eldest kid will get it on their sixteenth birthday and so forth." He explained and I chuckled.

"Hi Jacob." I said and he stopped. He looked at me and then smiled. "What's up?"

"Hey Kate," he said and smiled a bit. "I um just talking to your dad about my car." He said and nodded towards Michael.

"I see." I said and went up to him. "So you met Luke already and I know you know them already, but this is Calum and this is Ashton." I said and he chuckled.

"I'm Jacob-"

"So you're the famous Jacob." Calum said and looked at me. "He is cute. Nice going Katelyn." Calum said and I scowled at him.


"It's my job to be the embarrassing mum since you have two dads okay?' He said and I rolled my eyes and Jacob laughed a bit.

"I like your hair bud." Ashton said and Jacob looked at him. "A little birdy told me you're a fan?"

"Is that little bird blonde and standing right in front of me?" He asked asked he sent me a playful glare. I giggled and shrugged as I looked at Ashton. "Yeah um, I'm at fan. She's Kinda Hot and Hey Everybody are some of my favorites."

"I'm glad man." Ashton said and the two shared the 'bro-hug'. "Dinner is almost ready, so just go sit with the otherz while me and Calum go in the kitchen."

"Okay." He said and the two left us with Luke and Michael. "I can't believe you told them." He said and I chuckled.

"It may have slipped." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Come sit down. Luke and Michael don't bite." I said and he rose an eyebrow at me.

"Fine." He said and let me drag him towards the couch. "You have a nice house." He commented and Luke chuckled.

"Thanks man." He said and Jacob just nodded. "May I ask, why is your hair such a light shade of pink? It's almost feminine you know?"

"Luke!" Michael said. "Let a boy dye his hair whatever color he wants. If I dyed my hair that color again, what would you do?"

"Not very appropriate to say in front of them babe." Luke muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Do they always do that?" Jacob asked me and I nodded. "Okay..." He said strangely and I laughed.

"I just put up with it. I mean, I can't stop them so it's whatever." I said and he nodded. "Anyways, don't you work today?"

"My aunt said it's the Friday before break, I had hundreds of tests so she gave me the day off to relax and stuff. I go back on Monday so I have the weekend off and the mornings since I start at five." He explained and I nodded.

"That's good, at least she cares enough to let you have the day off. That's sweet of her." I said and he nodded. "Who took your shift?"

"Don't know." He said sith a shrug and I nodded. He was going to speak but then Ashton yelled out that dinner was ready.

"Prepare for questions."

"Okay." He said and we stood up. I tugged my cropped maroon sweater down and then he followed me to the table.

We sat down and he took the spot next to me while Michael took the other spot beside me. Ashton and Calum put all the food out and I grabbed Jacob's hand, immediately catching his and Michael's attention.

"What happened to your knuckles?" I asked him since they were red and one or two had a small cut on them.

"Punching drywall doesn't hurt until after your anger subsides." He said and I nodded.

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