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I went outside and stood by the tree as the unknown girl needed to talk to me about something private.

"Look Angel, um I dont know to say this but Im your twin sister..." she said as she neevously looked at the ground
Wait what?! How did I not know this and why did She not live with us??

"Wait how are you my sister? I never heard that i had a sister. What is your name by the way?" i asked mixed with emotion.

"Im Alex Dorame. I have document that says that we are sister. Here" she took out an envelope and i opened it carefully.

I looked at the document and dropped it shocked. I couldnt believe this. She was my sister. My twin sister but how

"I was taken to a foster home and now I got to see you because I knew that I had a Twin sister since my foster parents told me all about it. I couldn't believe it at first but they showed me documents and I found you here." she said.

"So Youre my twin sister. Wow I dont know what to say.. Um hi," I said.

"Dont be shy Angel I can now see you and I love you because you are family," she said as she hugged me as I quickly hugged her back and a tear slipped out.

"Angel are you ok," Jasper said concerned as she ran towards me.

"Yeah Jasper. Um meet my twin sister Alex," i said with a smile as everyone came towards us.

"Whoa. You two do look alike.. Alot," Kyle said with a shocked expression.

The bell rang signalling to go to class.

"Ok Guys. Movie night at our house like we planned for friday which is today. After school get your sleeping clothes and come at our place got it ok Danny and Alex you girls are also invited since you are our new editions to the family," Brandon said out of breath as he talked quickly.

"Sounds amazing! I wouldnt miss it for anything," Danny said as Alex nodded her head.

Well alot has been going on this week...

"Alright we will be there

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now