♚Chapter Eight♚

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1514 New Kingdom Era

In the first flush of morning, I thought I would be late but I remembered that it was the seventh day of the week again means rest, for us Acolytes and Mages too of course. Exhaustion could be a great danger especially when it comes to overusing arcane energy, it could be fatal to us.Our masters usually spend this time to meditate, it helps them on rejuvenating their arcane energy. The same technique were used by the Monks, it is the reason why they have such strong connection with the arcane.

We were encouraged to do the same but it isn't really much needed. I have never tried meditating, it requires peace of mind, emptying thoughts but how could I do that if every single second my mind process so many thoughts?

Anyway this is a weekend, some time off with all the studies, books and works. I might as well use this to venture on the unexplored corners of the city. I haven't really wandered around the whole city since I arrived here. I have been pretty much occupied for the past few weeks.

Arabelle, Sunry and Friedrich decided to show me around. I've heard that there were plenty of astounding places to see. In daybreak, holding a map in the City's Circle where the paths looked like sun rays, there were eight roads in all. The Northwind villages where the elite mages of the society usually lives, Easternlights is where the city gets its source of power that lights the city up and keeps the ward effective, every morning it will feed from the sun's light energy thus empowering us all. Westwing is the transportation center, portals to certain sites can be found there, it is also the gateway down on the forest. Southtown the merchant town filled magical items, potions, elixirs of all sorts as well as imported goods from the world below can be found, I ought to go there later. I might as well pick gifts for my father and Bremas.

In Primoore and other kingdoms, we normally use gold to pay but in Arcania, crystals and stones were used. The most common were the null crystals for ordinary purchases, elemental stones and the rarest and highest value Arcane Crystals. Every week, the Academy gave us rewards. The average we get were 5 null crystals, depending on how well we do in our class. Luckily, I have managed to save up a lot.

One by one, I entered each shop in Southtown. I've already bought plenty of things to give everyone back home. A vial of healing water for both my father and my brother, I figured, they will certainly need it. I bought my Lady-in-waiting Julia a nice lavender silk dress. I plan to write to her as well.

"Avery, do you have plans on buying the whole city?" Arabelle snapped.

"You do know that we only have two hands right?"

"Royals, they take everything they want." Friedrich whispered at Sunry which I totally heard from behind.

The Whismical Wonders shop caught my attention, a mage named Somnus owned it. As I entered the shop, glittering lights warmly welcomed me. The whole room was filled with enchanted wonders.

I picked up an enchanted quill, its feathers changes colors, the point of the quill is odd, there were two metallic curved swirls connected to the metallic rachis of the quill, a symmetrical design but what amazed me was its capacity of having a never ending ink.

"How much for this?"

The owner smiled and named the price.

"What?" Arabelle said in obvious shock.

"That's too expensive for a quill." Friedrich said.

"This quill is special. It came from the ancient times, many mages have had this in possession. Not only it never runs out of ink, it can also write an invisible letter and reveal any hidden messages if you brush the feathers on the paper." He demonstrated how it works.

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