Deep red sheets.

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I opened my door and quietly turned the fake diamond knob around. I flicked the switch and slowly closed the door behind myself. I put my back on the cold door and sighed. I must look like a proper idiot. My room has more things in it obviously. A bigger bed, same black furniture and deep red sheets. I have photographs of old Hollywood legends. Brando, Pacino you know what I mean right.

I threw the lingerie on the bed. I shut the curtains and then collapsed onto the bed. The coldness sent a shiver up my spine. Once I'd made it under the covers I took everything off. I don't really wear clothes to bed. It's actually better for you to sleep naked with clean silk sheets, plus it feels amazing. I took a wipe out and just roughly put it on my face gently rubbing it in. The wipe was slightly stingy on my eyes. I yawned and just lay there.

Then I remembered I left the fucking light on. I was so comfortable just about to sleep but oh no, the fucking light. I threw the covers off and flicked the switch hard. I fell on the bed and got warm again. Then for about five minutes just had thoughts of life you know what I mean right? I dozed off shortly after I think.

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