"Blood red paint."

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"Carmen, you can't leave amore. We are married." He smirked putting up his hand, waving the unnaturally shimmering gold ring in my face.
"Fuck you, Frank. I can leave, you can kiss my culo. Why do you even want me, you don't even love me. I am just here for a fuck or to do laundry." I said grabbing my coat.
"Exactly! What is the problem amare?" He laughed, finding himself completely hysterical.
I gave him a dirty look. I started to walk quickly to the door, grabbing the car keys on the expensive marble drawers on the way. He he smashed the door shut before I made it, and locked it, he took the key.
"Where do you think you are going?" He asked smugly.

I walked up to him and tried to grab the key. He flinched and held the key up high. Teasing me like a little child. Unfortunately for me I am a short-ass and he is really tall. There was no way I would reach.
"God Frankie! Why are you so manipulative?" I yelled.
He undid his belt and placed the keys in his underwear. He took a large breath in.
"Damn, these are cold. I'm not manipulative, I just like getting my way." He laughed, the look on his face disgust me to the pit of my stomach.
"Just give me the key! Please." I sighed.
He moved close to me and put his face up to mine in a intimidating manner. I stood still. I could smell an expensive aftershave from his shirt.
"You can get the key, I just want something in return." He smirked looking at my crotch.
"Fuck you, like hell I will. Give me the keys or I will scream." I warned.

He started to laugh. I opened my mouth and started to scream.
"Shut the fuck up Carmen." He yelled.
He tugged my arm forcefully. I continued to scream as loud as I could. He give me a strong slap on the face. I automatically stopped. My face started to sting. My heart racing.
"See what you made me do! Look Carmen! You made me into a monster! After everything I have done for you! I bought you expensive jewels," he pointed at the ruby necklace I was wearing.
I started to feel my eyes watering.
"Diamonds," pointing at my earrings.
"TVs, your expensive phone! None of these were cheap!" He yelled.
"Cut me some slack?"
He kept getting closer to my face, I felt the spit dress my face when he shouted.
"Take the fucking jewelry!" I said ripping the necklace from my neck.
I started to take the earrings out.
"Why did you do that?" He cried.

I started to scream again.
"Fuck this." He shouted.
He lifted up his arm and punched me straight in the face and then smashed my head off the door. Last thing I can remember is red, the red paint on the wall. I felt like I was going to die. I just blacked out. I can't remember anything accept from the the blood red paint.

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