Chapter 9 - Old Man Stan

Start from the beginning

“Stan is just a friend” I stated clearly

“Well okay, he seems  nice” she said as I walked out of the house to meet Stan.

That was the only thing  she was right about. Stan is nice. Too nice. Although he lives on the east side, I don’t think he was meant for ir. He  had moved  there two years before I did, after his parents had  a nasty divorce. However he had it easier then me. He never lived on the West side before, so he wasn’t teased. He moved from the country side  to the East side  with his mom. 

They didn’t have a lot of money so the East side seemed like a good spot. Now he lives there with his alcoholic mother. Stan  tried changing her ways but it never worked. Stan was just genuinely nice and that made him an odd ball.  After  a few fights  and drug deals  though he was excepted. All East siders  treat him like one of them now. I see  something more in him though, potential. 

My thoughts were broken  by Stan  waving his  hand in front of my  face.

“Okay, you can stop day dreaming about me now” He joked  I blushed a little cause it was partly true.

“So, What do you want to do  tonight?” I asked him

“Well considering, what happened last time you were here, I think parties are out of the question” Did Michael have to tell everyone about having to save me?

“I’ll be fine’ I insisted

“ I know but I  thought we’d just take it easy and hang out at my house’

“Okay Grandpa” I replied laughing 

“Hey My Grandpa is very cool. don’t diss Grandpa’s”  By this time we were on the East side  and almost near Stan’s house. He lived fairly close to the West side.

“ Your right his snoring probably sounds way better than your singing” I mocked him about being in a band

“ The band is very good, don’t knock us till  you hear us” He said as he unlocked his front door 

“And when will I hear them?”

“Soon” he started to whisper as he pointed to his mom passed out on the couch.

I think sometimes  he just likes to pretend  she was just really tired.  I watched him as  he put  a blanket over top of her. Then collected  the empty bottles and put them into their boxes.

He motioned me to follow him upstairs  and so I did. Stan looked upset , but I could tell he was trying to hide it.  His mom use to be his idol. Now she was just a drunk. No thanks, to his dad  who kept cheating on her, so she left. Not having time to take anything with her. I put my arm around  his shoulders.

“ I’m sorry” I said trying to cheer him up, but it wasn’t working. I quickly changed the subject.

“How many songs  have you guys wrote?” It was hard for me to take the band seriously but I knew he liked it.

“Half of one” he smiled  at me innocently 

“Then what do you guys play at gigs?”

“We do covers of songs we like” he replied 

“Ohh What songs?” I asked curiously 

“Random ones, mainy hard rock and party songs”

“ Pretty cool”

“ I though some more meaningful songs on an acoustic would be cool, but the guys  think it’s to girly”

“ You play guitar?” I was shocked, Stan and I were really close, but somehow I never knew this stuff. Must have been to busy getting high or partying

“Yea, I play electric, acoustic  and I can play the piano. I sometimes practice singing by doing covers on the piano and acoustic. Don’t  tell the guys though” I honestly thought Stan didn’t have a musical bone in his body.

“Can I hear some?’ Slow songs weren’t  my first choice, but I needed to get Stan’s mom off his mind and if he had fun well doing it, that’s cool too. 

He got out his guitar  and started strumming the strings. I was impressed  by this, but I became more impressed  by his singing. He was really good.

When he was finished I was speechless. 

“Wow” was all I could say. Stan was honestly really good. At first a thought it was just going to be a love song, but when I listened to the lyrics I figured out it was about his mom. 

“Did you like it?” he asked nervously 

“Your amazing” At this point I didn’t have to act interested any more. “Where did you learn to sing and play?”

“My mom use  to be a singer on Broadway” Oh yea  that’s right, I forgot.  I feel stupid for bringing up his mom again. 

“Oh, yea” I created awkwardness. I looked over at the clock. Thank god it was late.” It’s kind of late, want to get a drink and go to bed?”  I tried to make the awkwardness go away.

“Uhh, Sure” he said, It seemed as if I interrupted his thoughts that were going down memory lane.  I knew how easy it was to start thinking  about when life seemed easier. When my parents were alive and Josh wasn’t in jail. 

We went into the kitchen. Before I got into drugs, Stan and I  would just hang out at his place and be lame together.  We saw the  sides of each other that no one else saw. Instead of being tough East siders, it’s like we turn into people who just want to be kids again. Which is why we still have some traditions, such as hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate!

Stan passed me  a warm cup of  I. I was about to  go back upstairs when he said. “Wait”  I looked up at him weird. “ Just to help us sleep” he stated  while pouring the rest of the Bailey’s  into our cups. I honestly didn’t know  if it was to help us sleep or finish it , so his mom wouldn’t. All I knew is that it tasted delicious.

After we were done our drinks, Stan threw me a t-shirt. He turned around  well I changed into it.  We both  climbed into  his bed. He turned on the T.V  and we watched the news.  I  wonder if Stan isn’t secretly an old man, so nice and wise.  


A/N : I know I promised romance in this chapter, but the chapter became too long, so I cut it in half.  I also want to know  who you think the romance is with, at this point it could be anyone. 

So who do you think  it is Michael/Aiden/Stan/Someone else ??

Let me know an dI'll post the next half :) as a new chapter :D

Also I posted a video on the side of what I magined Stan like.  The song is What is love? by Nevershoutnever. If this isn't how you imagined it thats kewl too, it was just an idea.  (the song is about parents getting divorced, if you didn't catch that) 

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