Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Malfoy and Siriana J.J.R.L.A.D.C. Malfoy-Black.

"You got everything, Remmy?"
"Yes, all set."
I was having a double feeling. I was nervous 'cause Remus would come to MY home now and I wonder what he'll think of it and on the other hand, I felt so excited. I'm going to see Charlie again! I've missed him so much. It's so strange to think that not even four months ago I saw him on a daily basis and now I only get a visit now and then and a few letters. Now, I'm going to get the real thing again. *insert my girlish mental squeling here*

Remus smiled at me and I took his hand while holding on to my bag in the other. With a wave of heat we stranded in Romania where Charlie's arms immediately embraced me. I closed my eyes and just enjoyid his hug. He was wearing his usual cologne and I inhaled it deeply. After being apart for so long I was desperate to remember his scent forever.
A throat was cleared and we sprung apart to see Remus looking torn in between two exspressions. He obviously wanted to look reprimanding like a godfather was ment to be, atleast according to his mind, but he also couldn't surpress a smirk. Oh well.

"I'll show you your room. Just follow me." I said to Remus while turning to the stairs. His footsteps told me he was right behind me and a few seconds later, we arrived at the questroom. We went in and I helped him unpack before dropping down on his bed.
"So, what do you think?" I fumbled with my sleave while waiting for him to response. I felt the bed dip beside me and turned towards my Godfather.
"What do you mean?" He smiled at me.
"You know like, what do you think about my house?" This time he laughed. I searched his face as if it would tell me what was so funny but he just laughed even more at me.
"Cub, I've litterally only seen the entry hall, the stairs and the quest room. What do you expect me to say?"
"Oh", he has a point. Damnit why does he always have a point?

After we were done unpacking, I gave Remus a tour of our place. Our place wasn't really big because Charlie insisted on paying half of it and he isn't that rich. However, It's everything I could possibly want.
Remus complemented the house and then excused himself to go to bed. We had left right after supper so it was already quite late.
On that note I decided to follow his lead and call it a night. The only difference was that I would be spending my night with Charlie and you can bet your lucky galleons on it that I was going to enjoy it.


I sprung up and gave the floor a hug. Yup indeed, I just gave it a hug, it's not like I fell or something similar. No the floor just needed a hug.

After I was done with the floor, I stood up to see Charlie in a similar position on the other side of the bed. We made eye-contact before we heard the yell again.

"Anna?!" Remus yelled. He sounded a bit desperate so I decided to check it out. After giving Char his goodmorning kiss, I ran downstairs.

"Remus, what's going on? Why are you screaming like the place is about to blow?"
He eyed me up and I started to feel selfconscious. After a few seconds, I couldn't take it anymore.
"What?!" He gave me a look as if to say 'You know what!' Before I looked down and noticed my outfit. Honestly, it's kinda the same as what I were at Hogwarts only now it was a different shirt. That must be his problem it's the shirt Charlie wore yesterday.
"Is it the shirt?" I asked a little insecure. It's strange. I've lived over a decade without being scared of anything and not giving a f*ck about what anyone has to say about me. I've been reunited with Remus for what, four months? And already he can make me feel like a little kid again. Well feeling like a kid again isn't that bad, I was kinda spoiled as Daddy's little princess. Now I'm Daddy's little fugitive.. well not really a fugitive but a runaway more.

"Cub, where did you sleep last night?" Remus interrupted my mental rambling. There was an edge to his voice which told me he already knew the answer and didn't like it. I swallowed before responding.
"I slept in my room, Remmy. Where else?" I was playing the innocent act but it wasn't working. Damn.
"Where did Charles sleep?"
"In his room?"
"His room and your room don't happen to be the same room, now do they?" By now he was downright scolding me. When I didn't answer he spoke up again.
"What did I tell you? You're not allowed to sleep with him. Nor figurative, nor literrally." He was serious and I didn't like it. It got me angry. He's my godfather and I love and appreciate him, but it's my life and he doesn't get a say in it. I'm glad I got him back but I survived without him as well.
"I don't care." I told him. This little sentence got him to turn red.
"You. Don't. Care? That's nice but I do care and as long as your father is on the run and you're under eighteen, you're my responsibility and I have a say about you. Now what do you say?!"
I laughed at him. He's such an idiot sometimes. The 'guardian' thing works until my eighteenth birthday, which would be in a couple of days.
His anger seemed to be replaced by confusion at my reaction until it clicked.
"Your turning eighteen next week and then your no longer my responsibility, right?" He seemed lost. Well, that's about right as he lost our dispute. I just stood there smirking at him.
"Don't be sad, Remmy. You'll always be my godfather. You just need to understand that I'm not five years old anymore. I have my own life with my own friends and my own relationships. I've grown up." I smiled at him and he just looked like a beaten puppy. So sad, he'll get over it eventually.
"Just. Promise me, you'll always come to me if something's wrong. I want to help you and be there for you. You might be grown up now but you'll always be my little cub. Now give your uncle Moony a hug."
With another smile I stepped into his arms and whispered one sentence that made him hug me even tighter.

"I promise, Remmy."

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