Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Malfoy and Siriana Malfoy-Black.

Whoops, I quess I'm too late...

When I entered the room Remus was sat in his chair drinking a cup of thee.
"And where have you been?" Oh no, he had this aura coming off of him telling me he wasn't going to let me get away with this.
"Uhm I was ... out?" I more asked than stated. He just shook his head at me and gestured for me to sit opposite him. I sighed and did as told. It was silent. He didn't say anything he just kept looking at me. After a few seconds I started to feel very uncomfortable. After a few minutes I gave up. This is strange for me I never break, not even if Charlie is trying every thing he can come up with to make me tell him something. I quess Remus just had that effect on me.
"Fine I sneaked out to Hogsmeade and apparated back home." This time he sighed.
"Where exactly is 'home' and why did you go? You've only been here for two days."
"Uhm home is in Romania ... with Charlie who is also the answer to why I went. I uhm missed him." I muttered. His stern gaze faltered and he chuckled.
"I thought you two were just friends? You told me you were 'roommates' as you put it but the way you just spoke sounds like you're madly in love with eachother." I don't know why but I felt myself blush. This is odd, I don't blush like ever. Remus smirked at me and I started my defense.
"I'm not in to Charlie in that way. We're just friends" with benefits, my mind added. As if Remus could read my mind he laughed at me. I just kept on blushing.
"Can I go now?" He seemed to sober up and regained his stern posture.
"No June, you need to understand you can't just sneak out and head to Romania to meet up with your boyfriend whenever you like." I started to protest but he gestured for me to quiet down and continued.
"If you really need to see him you can tell him to meet up during Hogsmeade weekends. He can apparate there but until then you'll have to communicate through letters. Also I don't want you to be out past curfew. I will check to make sure you are in here by nine. Now you may go to sleep. I'll wake you up at half past seven so you can shower, get dressed and come to breakfast with me." I didn't have the energy to protest anymore so I just mumbled a "g'night" and went to bed. Remus might not know he's my legal guardian at the moment but he sure as hell acts like one.

Remus kept his promise.
"June! Wake up and get ready! We're leaving for breakfast in 45 minutes!" I groaned but got up nonetheless. I showered and put on my uniform. I didn't bother using any make-up as I could just use my metamorfmagus abilities to change my look. When I looked at the clock, I noticed I still had a few minutes before Remus and I would be leaving for breakfast. I decided to jus lay on my bed. I absentmindly rolled up my sleeved and looked at my tattoos. The paw print on my left fore arm and my changing moon on my right arm. Remus would have to transform again in less than two weeks. I felt sorry for him and rolled my right sleeve down again not wanting to think about it anymore. Instead I turned to my left arm. The pawprint reminded me of dad which is quite logical because he's the reason I got it there. I was tracing the tattoo with my fingers when Remus walked in. Apparently he had knocked but I was too far away to notice. He looked me over and I quickly covered up the pawprint. I don't think Remus appreciates tattoos.
"Let's go." I told him, standing up from my bed.
He followed but didn't say anything. Not long after we left, we arrived in the great hall. We sat down at our usual spot and started breakfast. I barely ate. It's too damn early! I finished my slice of toast and Remus cleared his throat. I turned to face him.
"June what do you have on your left fore arm? You hid it immediatly when I came in."
"Uhm nothing important really." I said. I started getting annoyed with myself. What was happening to me? I have amazing lying skills. I mean barely anyone even knows my name.
Remus fumbled with the end of his sleeve before taking a breath.
"Could you show me? If it's nothing important you don't mind, right?" He kept his gaze on his plate but I wondered why it was so important for him to know what's on my arm. It's not like I have the Dark Mark on there. OMM he thinks I have the Dark Mark on there.
"It's just a tattoo okay? I didn't want to show you 'cause you don't strike me as someone who's in to tattoos" I rolled up my sleeve and showed him my pawprint. He released a breath and I felt a bit hurt. He honestly believed I was in league with Voldemort. I gulped down my pumpkin juice and stood up.
"I'm gonna get my bag and head to the classroom, kay? See you later." I sped off. I was being emotional. I'm just overreacting; Remus doesn't even know me. He only knows my mum is a Malfoy and I'm a pureblood. It kinda makes sense he's being carefull. It still bothers me though. My mum was killed by those bastards so I take it as a great insult when anyone thinks I'm part of them.

When I had gotten my books, I went to the classroom. The first period was history of magic. It was so boring! It was taught by a ghost. The man hadn't even realised he died. Death is usually a sign to move on, stop teaching. Well at least I got some sleep.
Next period was divignation. Well if I would believe the freaky lady with huge glasses, I'd be pretty screwed. She had told me I was going to have an accident which would injure me with death as result. Eventhough that sounded lovely, I am going to ask Mcgonagall if I can drop that class. It's all nonsense anyway.
Next class is Potions. I wonder what Snivellus is like as a teacher. He was a git when he was younger and I'm quessing he'll still be a git now. As usual, I am right.

The entire time, he was sneering at everyone and taking points away from gryffindor. He even tried to pick on me by asking me loads of questions. Unfortunatly for him, I am f*cking great in potions. It's one of my favorite subjects ... well it was. At the end of class, I put some of my potion in a vial, dropped it off at his desk and left for lunch.

I went to my spot and poured myself some pumpkin juice. I quickly spiked it without anyone noticing and gulped it down. Remus arrived just as I put my cup back on the table. He smiled at me and sat down. I forced a smile back, still a bit upset about him thinking I could be a deatheater. The thought made me sad and I lost my appetite.

"Hey your hair's blue. Got tired of purple?" Remus joked but I just shook my head and made to stand up when he stopped me.
"June what's wrong? You seem a bit off. Did I do something to upset you or are you bummed about being here or ...? Just tell me."
I looked him over and decided I could trust him. The man was my father's best friend. He looked after me when my dad landed himself a detention and read to me out of his books. I can trust him.
"It's just you ... you thought I was a deatheater, didn't you? This morning when you insisted on seeing my tattoo. You looked relieved when you saw it was just a pawprint, you thought it was a Dark Mark, right? You thought I was part of the people who like to kill muggles and muggleborns."
He looked a bit shocked but also quilty which only confirmed everything I had just said. He made to speak but I was faster.
"My parents were so called bloodtraitors. They were both purebloods but they didn't believe in everything Voldemort said" Remus flinched a bit at the name but didn't interrupt me, " my father ran away the summer after I was born and got himself disowned, he wasn't in slytherin and never got along with his family. My mother was in slytherin. That's one of the reasons no one knew of her relationship with my dad. She would've gotten disowned if her parents knew. She was killed when I was two years old by deatheaters. It might have been a mistake 'cause my uncle didn't know she was dead and we both know he's in league with Voldemort. My mum's dead is one of the main reasons I hate it when anyone assumes I'm a deatheater. A lot of my dad's friends were also killed by deatheaters. I don't have anyone anymore, okay? That's why I miss Charlie so much. He's the only one I've got. He might not be family but he's the closest to it!" By now I was sure I looked like a freaking rainbow. My emotions were just spiralling out of controll and I felt like burning down a forest while crying so much the fire would die down again. I stood up and left with Remus calling after me.

After noon classes went by in a blur, I can't even tell you which classes I attented. After classes I went to the Black Lake and sat at the Marauders' tree. I fell asleep looking at the stars, wondering why my life had to be like this.

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