Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Mafoy and Siriana J.J.R.L.A.D.C. Malfoy-Black.

While walking back to the castle, I mentally went over mine and Dad's conversation. He had listened to every word I said and even asked for more information about me. He still cares about me. I smiled to myself. Of course my Dad loves me! He's my father after all. Still, it's always nice to get reassured.

I wonder if I should tell Remus about our encounter. Would he be mad at me for going without him? Would he understand? He probably would. He's Moony, the sensitive, nice Marauder.
Yeah, I snorted to myself, he isn't sensitive and nice when he teases me about Charlie. Whatevs right? You just can't but love him.


The days went by fast and soon enough Christmass arrived. Instead of jumping up and down on my bed like an overjoyed infant, I decided to sleep in. Remus will have his 'Furry little problem' tonight and I want to help him so I have to be well rested. I think I slept till noon 'cause when I woke up and went to get myself some food, I wasn't the only one in the Great Hall. I sat in my usual seat at the teachers table and started piling some food on my plate. I ate in silence as Remus hadn't gotten out of bed yet, I doubt he'll come out at all. Poor Remmy.

After practically inhaling my food, I filled an extra plate and took it back with me to Remus. If he doesn't eat it now he can just eat it later. I have to get some vitamines in him when it's his time of the month 'cause he just stops eating then. He's always so lifeless around the full moon, as if all the energy is drained out of him.

I entered our courters and left the food in the small kitchen with a note saying "Bon appétit!". I digged up some chocolate from Honeydukes and put it beside the plate. After that I went to our little Christmass tree. Remus had demanded we'd have one to pile my presents under eventhough I told him it wasn't neccesary but who am I to anger the wolf, huh?
Apparently Remus had been right 'cause there were two small piles of presents hiding underneath a few low branches. After pondering for a second on which present to open first, I decided on the small red velvet box. When I opened it, I came face to face with a beautiful charms bracelet. It had a dog charm, a stag, a wolf, a flower and a snake. It obviously presented the Marauders (bastardious traitor excluded), Lily and my mum. I looked for a card and found a small piece of parchment stating "Love, Dad". I smiled and put the bracelet on. Then I continued to a larger present in brown packing paper. It must be Remus'. Indeed it was. He had given me a photoalbum with pictures from all of them in Hogwarts, James en Lily's wedding, me playing with Harry... It was great. I hadn't been able to take lots of pictures with me when I ran after ... that night. So it's great that I finally have some now. I put it aside and took a poofy packet in my hands. I unwrapped it from it's red paper and found a home made jumper. Who would give me a jumper? It looks a bit like the jumpers Charlie wears during winters, perhaps he sended me one of his. I carefully laid it open to see a huge "A" on it. This definitly isn't Charlies. After turning the jumper over a few times, I found a note.
"Merry Christmass Anna, Charlie has told me so much about you! I can't wait to meet you! I hope you like it and you'll visit in the summer. Love Molly and Arthur Weasley."
I almost choked on thin air. Charlie has told his parents about me. What the hell has he told them? He can't have told them my real name but either way they call me Anna. I doubt he has told them about our relationship 'cause it's not really a thing parents would approve of. Well I don't think parents would approve, I still haven't told my Dad about Charlie and I.

Deciding to worry later, I moved on to the final Present. It was a small purple box and I knew this could only be Charlies. I took the lit of and my heart almost stopped beating. A magnificent necklace was inside. It was a dragon tooth with a purple diamant inbraded in the centre. The chain looked to be real gold and was braided with a purple wire in it. It looked great. It was badass but fancy and it fits perfectly with my hair. I immediatly put it on and smiled. Oh Godric, I love Charlie and I love my family!

After those lovely presents, I visited Charlie. I used my elemental powers to pop up in our house and was immediatly greeted with a muscular redhead.
"ANNA!!!" He picked me up and spun me around like they do in those cheesy movies. Grinning, I threw my arms around him and kissed him. It was a nice kiss not to long, not to short but you could feel the longing we had for one another. I had missed him and his eyes told me he had missed me too.

We spent the next couple of hours goofing around, catching up and making out. Then by dinnertime we said goodbye. He was going to eat at the Burrow which is the name of his parents' house, and I was going to eat at Hogwarts so I was sure I'd be on time for Remus' transformation.

When I entered the Great Hall, I noticed they had removed the housetables and placed one large table instead. Dumbles, Minnie McG, Snivellus, Sprout, Flitwick, Filch, Harry, Ron, Hermione and two nervous first-years were already seated. I sat down on the only empty chair left which was right inbetween Snape and Mcgonagall. Yeah, I didn't really like that. Dumbledore was saying some stuff about it being ridiculous to set all the tables for only our little group and then everyone started piling up their food. As I was just about to ask for the Pumpkin juice, prof Trelawney entered. She wore a long green dress which made her look like a large insect. That woman gives me the creeps!
Dumbledore stood up to greet her and said:"Sybill, this is a pleasant surprise!" I rolled my eyes at his tone of voice and listened to Trelawneys respond.
"I have been crystal-gazing, Headmaster and to my astonishment, I saw myself abandoning my solitary dinner and coming to join you. Who am I to refuse the promptings of fate? I at once hastened from my tower, and I do beg you to forgive my lateness...'
"Certainly, certainly", said Dumbles. "Let me draw you up a chair."
Suddenly she shrieked. Can't she be a bit less overdramatic? I'm trying to enjoy my dinner, you know?
She started speaking again and I grew frustrated.
"I dare not, Headmaster! If I join the table , we shall be thirteen! Nothing could be more unlucky!" She all but screamed. "Never forget that when thirteen dine together, the first to rise will be the first to die!" I once again rolled my eyes and lightly shook my head. Can you believe that woman? We live in a magical world with deatheaters threatening our safety at all times and she's worried about the dining set-up.
"We'll risk it, Sybill." Said Mcgonagall but I was already sick of dinner. I should've just gone by the kitchens instead of coming here. Before Minnie or anyone else could say another thing, I stood up.
"We don't have to risk a thing Professor. You can take my seat while I go somewhere where I don't feel like throwing up every time someone says something." I said sweetly. No one said a thing as I left but as I was right outside I could hear Trelawney sitting down. Good, now she can annoy the hell out of Snape.

I went back to our courters after a quick pit-stop at the kitchen and knocked on Remus' door.
"You okay,Moony?" I got a grunt as a response and decided I could enter his room. I sat down beside him on the bed as he straightened himself up. When he looked to be comfortable in his upright position, I handed him a plate.
"Here you go Rems. After you've finished that I have some chocolate cake for you." He gave me a weak smile and started eating.

After dinner, we just stayed in his room. He transformed not much later and I changed into my animagusform. I look rather cute, even if I say so myself. I look a bit like a wolfspup but a bit more doglike, think about a black husky. Yup, I'm cute!

Because Remus had had his wolfsbane, he was calm and went to sleep quite fast. I just settled down beside him and let sleep engulf me. The next few nights went the same until the full moon passed.

Now it's just a few days until Remus is on top of his game again and we can go to Romania.

The result of a Malfoy and a BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora