Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Malfoy and Siriana J.J.R.L.A.D.C. Malfoy-Black.

"Sirius Black is in the castle."
I didn't really know how to react to that. I hadn't thought my dad to be so stupid to break into Hogwarts. Remus was still exspecting an answer so I gave him one. Perhaps not the best one I've ever come up with but it'll have to do.
"Ow okay"
"Why aren't you freaking out like everybody else? In case you forgot, Sirius Black was imprisoned for murdering a dozen muggles and Peter Pettigrew. He's dangerous!" Remus tried to convince me to freak out which is strange. Shouldn't he be happy I'm calm? What good would come from me getting wound up and running around like an idiot?
"Remus, chill! What does Dumbledore want us to do now? Stay here or ...? What's the plan?"
"I'm supposed to patrol the castle with the other teachers while the students all go to the great hall. So I'll drop you off there and then you'll be under the care of the prefects and the Head boy and girl." I'm going to sleep in a hall filled with people I don't know or trust. Yup, not gonna happen.
"Can't I come with you?" I pouted. "I promise I won't bother you, please?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he shuckled.
"I'll ask Dumbledore but if he says no you'll have to stay in the great hall. So come on!" I pulled back the blankets and stepped out of bed.
"Mmm?" I look up at him to see a pink tinge at his sheeks and his eyes shining with amusement.
"Perhaps you should put on some pants." I looked down at my clothes and saw he was right. I always sleep with only one of Charlies shirts on and my undies. I blushed a bit before quickly throwing on some leggings.
"Better?" I smiled at him and he shuckled.
"Yes, much better."

A few moments later we arrived by the other teachers. Most of them looked at me funny, Snape threw me a filthy glare and Mcgonagall had her lips pursed but couldn't hold back a small smile.
"Why did you bring her with you?" Snape snapped. Remus tensed a bit next to me but kept his voice friendly.
"She wanted to come along instead of joining in in the Great Hall. She won't cause any trouble. She'll just stick with me." Remus explained. I just stood there like a little kid while the "adults" talk.
"Have you informed Albus yet?" Mcgonagall asked.
"No, I haven't. Do you know where I can find him?"
A throat was cleared and we all turned to see Dumbles standing right behind us like wtf. When did he get here?
"It's not a problem Remus. Miss. Malfoy may accompanie you if she likes."

Remus thanked him and we went to our assigned floor. We have to inspect the sixth floor.
While walking I linked arms with him. I'm tired and so is he so we might as well join forces and keep eachother straight. He didn't say anything of it but out of the corner of my eye I could see him smile. My face lit up at this and I could feel a smile tugging at my lips as well. After a couple of minutes Remus seemed to want to break the silence.

"So ... June uhm would you mind telling me how come you know so much about ... well me?" He didn't meet my eyes as he asked this. And I wanted to tell him but I don't know if it would be a good idea. I mean, I know I have been dropping hints but this is still different. If I tell him now, I won't be able to back out of it. Mmm decisions decisions.

"Well Remus as I have already said before I've given you a lot of hints to who I am. If you really think about it, you'll figure it out. You're smart enough to put two and two together. I think I can trust you so I'll repeat some hints, okay?"
He nodded and I started.
"My father was a pureblood who got disowned and hated his family. He wasn't a slytherin and he was sixteen when I was born. Are you still with me?" I asked Remus who seemed thoughtfull. I don't understand he hasn't figured it out yet. It's quite obvious.
"My mother got killed by deatheaters when I was two years old. Therefore I had to go live with my dad. I became friends with my dad's friends and that't how I know so many secrets. Now think about it. Who could I possibly be?"

I let him ponder about what I've just told him. I'm starting to get a bit nervous. He could figure it out any moment now. To my surprise he kept quiet and didn't say anything about it for the rest of our night stroll. When three AM passed we had checked every possible hidingspace at our floor, told Dumbles there was no sign of my father and went back to our courters.

The next few days everyone came up with these absurd theories of how my dad could have entered the castle. The stories were so stupid that I had to keep myself from bursting out laughing when I heard them. God these people are stupid!

Remus hadn't said anything about our conversation at Halloween. He didn't look at me any different so I don't think he has figured it out yet. It could also be that he was too tired that night to remember anything of it. It was only a few nights untill the full moon. He's always slower when it's his "time of the month". But I had exspected him to figure it out nonetheless.

While Remus was to sick to teach due to his "furry little problem", a horrible replacement had been arranged. Snape. Snivellus freaking Snape.
Before I left to classes I went to Remus' room.

I knocked on the door. "Remmy? Can I come in?" He groaned in response which I took as a yes. I shouldn't have. He was sprayed out on the floor. Thank god he's laying face first 'cause his transformations always rip his clothes and leave him naked. Like now. My face flushed as I quickly took a blanket and rapped it around him to cover him up. I guided him to his bed and went to our little kitchen to make him some hot chocolate. Remus LOVES chocolate like he's obsessed with it. My dad used to bring him some when he was in the hospital wing to make him feel better. I think that just might be the reason Remus loves him.

I quickly brought Remus his hot chocolate and wiped his face with a wet cloth. I hate seeing him like this. He's such a nice person. It's not fair he has to endure this every month.
I skipped breakfast to stay with Remus who was to tired to even feel embarrassed about the fact that I had seen him naked. After breakfast I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and told him I'd come check on him during lunch. He smiled a little and I left.

I hurriedly made my way to transfiguration and made it just in time. The class flew by and so did the next two. During lunch I went back to Remus, gave him some more hot chocolate together with a large slice of chocolate cake. After making sure he had enough chocolate to make it through the afternoon, I left to history of magic. Needless to say I slept through professor Binns entire lecture. The man died and is trying to kill us too, with boredom. After history I went to my last class of the day; Defense against the Dark Arts.

Everything was the same as usual except for the teacher. Snape stood upfront and was criticising Remus' teaching. I sat at the back and tried to drown out everything the git was saying but my head perked up when he mentioned the subject of todays lesson: werewolves. I felt my blood boiling and if looks could kill, Snape would be dead. Half an hour in the lesson, he started listing how to recognise a werewolf. I knew I had to get a hold of myself before I strangled him but he had to take it further.
He started teaching us how to KILL a werewolf. This was the final straw.

I focused very hard on my inner voice travelling inside Snapes head and delivered a message.
"Watch it Snivellus. If you're not carefull werewolves will be the least of your problems. I personally will make sure you'll join your beloved Lily so she can tell you just how much of a disappointment you are. You filthy greasy haired git." I had made sure my voice sounded as menacing as possible inside Snapes mind before looking back down at my parchment and taking notes. Snape had stopped talking and looked flabbergasted. I mentally smirked. He had gotten my message.
"CLASS DISMISSED!" He bellowed and everybody quickly made their way out of the classroom. I followed after giving Snape a quick wink.
Nobody messes with my godfather!

After class I went back to Remus, I acted as if I hadn't just threatened a teacher and behaved like the ideal goddaughter. One thing is for sure, that was the last class Snape had taught about Werewolves.

The result of a Malfoy and a BlackDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora