Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Malfoy and Siriana Malfoy-Black.

Tap tap tap.

I pulled the blanket up and snuggled back in Charlies chest. Whatever it is that is making the tapping sound can wait. When I came back home yesterday, it was already pretty late. It must have been past 4 AM when I fell asleep and I'm planning on sleeping in. Bonus, it's a saturday so Charlie also gets to sleep in.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I groaned and tried to ignore the noise but it became louder.


Damn it. Scowling I stood up to go see what's going on. Oh hell no. Not again.
Tapping against my window was a big brown owl. I may hope it's carrying a letter for Charlie 'cause otherwise someone's gonna die.

The moment the window opened the owl flew in and held it's leg out. I took the letter and scowled, it was adressed to me.

"Dear miss Malfoy

I am pleased to inform you that you are still welcome at our school and that I have spoken to the minister of Magic. He has informed me that you are obligated to go to school untill your eighteenth birthday. Therefore I exspect you at Hogwarts by monday. You shall be excused from classes that day to settle in and get sorted.

Ps. Aurors will be send to escort you if you fail to be present by 10 o'clock. 

Sincerely Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore"

"Charlie! Charlie wake up! It's important! Charlie!" I was in a slightly panicked state. Oh who am I kidding? I'm having a full blown panick attack.
Charlie finally woke up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"What is it?"
I handed him the letter, to chocked to say something. When he was done reading, I refound my ability to speak.
"He can't do that, right? They can't do that. I don't want to go! I don't want to leave you! I need to stay here. It's not like they know where I live so they can't 'escort' me right? Oh Merlin Charlie what do I do? I'm screwed! I'm so so screwed and-"
Charlie kissed me, succesfully shutting me up.

When we broke apart he didn't let go of me fully.
"Are you okay?" I gave him a look that screamed 'ofcourse I'm not they are gonna kidnap me!'. He just hugged me.
"I don't know wether they'll be able to find you but if you do have to go it's only untill Januari. Then you're eighteen and can quit. You could also stay and graduate there. Hogwarts isn't that bad and I'll visit every Hogsmeade weekend."
I didn't know what to say. It sounded as if he had already given up on me staying here. He was already trying to comfort me for when I had to go.
"I'm just gonna wait and see. If the aurors find me I quess I'll have no choice but to go with them but otherwise I'm staying here."
He nodded and kissed my forehead but when our eyes met, I knew he didn't think I'd be able to stay with him.

We spent the entire weekend pretending we weren't worried for monday. We went to a muggle village, saw some movies, danced in the kitchen while singing along with the music and ordered pizza. It was a great weekend only I didn't really enjoy myself as I'm to nervous for tomorrow.

The next day I woke up at nine and got a shower. Afterwards I got dressed in my ripped skinny jeans and one of Charlies shirts. Wearing his shirt gave me a feeling of safety, like nothing bad could happen. Hours passed and soon it was lunchtime and Charlie came back.
"Anna?! Are you still here? Anna!" He was shouting while he came in and when he saw me he quickly put his arms around me and burried his face in my hair.
"Thank God you're still here." He mumbled in my hair. I nodded my head a bit in response and we just stood there.

After a while we went to the kitchen and made some pancakes to celebrate the absence of aurors.

We celebrated to early. Right when I had taken a bite from my first pancake the doorbell rang.
Charlie and I exchanged a look before he swiped his mouth clean and stood up to open the door.

"Can I help you?" I heard him ask.
"Yes, we're here for a June L. Malfoy. Is she inside?"
I felt my hope scatter and stayed as still as possible.
"No, I'm sorry I can't help you." Charlie lied while holding the door to close it as soon as the aurors left.
"Do you mind if we come in?" They asked. They didn't say they didn't believe him but it wasn't necessary. You could here it in their voice.
"I do mind actually. I don't see why you would have to come in my house if you're looking for someone that I've said isn't here."
"We're sorry sir but we have to check if she really isn't in there."

Not a second later two aurors came into the kitchen I quickly morfed my features to look like a guy. I had given myself short brown hair and a rougher looking skin. Also I flattened my chest and changed my feminine figure to be more manly.
The first auror entered the kitchen. He was a tall man with neatly combed graying hair wearing dark blue robes.
"Who are you?" He asked when he spotted me.
I tried to keep my voice low and steady while answering.
"Jake Williams, sir." Yes, I nailed it! He looked me over once again before his collegue and Charlie entered. I winked at Charlie when the aurors had their backs turned to me and he smiled a bit.

After the aurors had inspected the bedrooms they came back to the kitchen.
"We're sorry to have disrupted your lunch but we had to make sure that miss Malfoy wasn't here. We'll be leaving then. Goodbye gentlemen." The men held out their hands to shake so Charlie stood up. I didn't, knowing that it'd be strange if a guy wore the kind of ripped skinny jeans that I was currently wearing. They looked at me oddly before shrugging it off and leaving.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and morphed back to my usual look.
"That was a close one, Anna. I almost wet my pants when they went to the kitchen."
"I know love. But they're gone now and with a bit of luck they wont come back.

Little did we know...

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