Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Malfoy and Siriana J.J.R.L.A.D.C. Malfoy-Black.

When I got back to Hogwarts, everyone was already making their way to the great hall. Excited chatter could be heard in the hall as everyone was looking forward to the Halloween feast. This will be my first Halloween at Hogwarts but strangely enough I got a bad feeling about the night. Perhaps I'm just paranoid because it's the anniversary of Peters betrayal, James and Lily's deaths, my father's imprisonement, ... It's just not a good day. But this year I'll have Remus. Perhaps he'll be able to keep my mind off of it.

I was right, he kept my mind of it. By teasing me and questioning me merciless. Let me lead you through the feast.

So I went to sit on my usual spot next to Remus who came in just a moment later, grinning the moment he spotted me. I groaned and averted my eyes to the house tables. When I scanned over the slytherin table I saw my very blond cousin. He had his arm in a swing for some reason and was acting as if it hurted a lot while talking to a pugfaced girl. However the moment she turned around, he turned to his friends and smirked. I chuckled to myself dear dear Draco was trying to get some more attention from a girl. He's got a crush.

As I let my eyes wander over the gryffindor table, I saw the Weasley twins talking animatedly to a boy with dreadlocks then without warning they turned to look at me and I quickly looked down at my plate.
"Good evening, June." A voice that could only be my godfathers greeted as he sat down next to me.
"Yeah, good evening Remus" I replied keeping my eyes trained on my plate. Their was enough amusement in his tone I didn't need to see in his eyes as well.
I heard him chuckle and unvoluntarily turned to look at him.
"Oh nothing." He said smiling down at me.
I muttered a 'uh huh' and drank some pumpkin juice. I hadn't even been able to spike it as there already were some teachers upon my arrival. It didn't quite taste as good without the fire whiskey so I put it back down almost immediatly. I felt Remus' gaze but didn't act on it. I'm not gonna give in not this time.

He kept quited until after Dumbledores speech. When everyone started piling up their food, he spoke up.
"So June, you and that Charlie huh?" He paused for a reaction which I was declining to give. "You said you two were friends so does that mean you kiss with all your friends?" This does rise a reaction out of me. He's basically asking wheter I'm a slut or not.
"No, I don't kiss with all my friends." He seemed to like my answer as his smile only widened.
"So why do you kiss Charlie and not your other friends?"
"Charlie and I we're uhm we're not a couple but we're more than just friends we're uhm like special friends." I tried to explain without saying we're friends with benefits 'cause he might just take that as sex buddies which is not true. We're way more than that.
Remus seemed to ponder this for a moment before his face was hit with what looked like a combination of shock and realisation.
"When you say special friends, you don't mean like friends with benefits right?" His eyes travelled my face before he really acted the part of godfather without even knowing he's mine.
"June, you have got to be kidding me!" He whisper shouted. "He's way to old for you and you're way to young to be in such kind of relationships. You're only a kid! You really shouldn't do this can't you two find something else to do together? Has anyone even ever given you the talk? Oh for the love of Merlin please cut it off!" He rambled on while I was shushing him.
"Remus don't make such a big deal of it, okay? I'm seventeen. I can do whatever the hell I please so back off a little will yeh? We're both just not looking for a relationship right now but that doesn't mean we don't want the affection."
"I don't know who your father is but I don't think he would approve." Remus said in what he thought was a scary tone. I just snorted.
"My father was a manwhore until he got with my mother. He got me at the age of sixteen so I'd think he isn't really the one to judge me. And Remus it's not my fault you were still a virgin at my age," he wore a shocked exspression so I quickly added "you were right? Otherwise you wouldn't think it as strange if a seventeen year old girl has done it before." He was still speechless so I just continued eating. When desert came around he refound his ability to speak.
"You don't know how I felt when I was your age. No one did." He spoke softly. I, however felt triumphant as the topic had shifted to him and away from me. Also I do know what he was like at my age so I have another adventage over him. And I'm a horrible person so I just can't help myself teasing him with what I know.

"Oh Remus, again you give me to little credit. I know more than you think." I told him with a smirk plastered across my face. He flushed a little before stuttering his reply.
"L- like what? W-what do you k-know?" I grinned at him, enjoying the fact that I am having the upperhand here. I leaned in and whispered in his ear so only he could hear me.
"Oh only your love for dogs, black dogs. Black dogs that listen to the name of Padfoot and slept as a human in the 'Marauders dorm'. But don't worry I'll keep your secret, if you want me too." Remus' flushed face had become paly white instead of the blushing pink it was not a minute ago. I smiled and winked at him before finishing my pudding and stuffing a lot of the Halloween candy in my pockets. Remus didn't say anything for the rest of dinner and didn't even realise it was over until I started pulling his arm.

"Come on, Remus! Dinner's over! Let's go! I wanna go to sleep! Remmy?!" He barely blinked at my whining.
"Come on Mooney! I've got chocolaaaate!" That got his attention as he snapped back in reality. He finally started walking and in only a few minutes we had reached our dormitory.
"G'night Remus! Sweet dreams!" I called out but before I could dissapere in my room he stopped me.
"How did you know about that? I never told anyone. So how could you have possibly found out about that?"
"Well Remus I think I've dropped enough hints. You were always the smart one so figure it out! I'm going to bed." I closed the door behind me and snuck under my blanket. I hope he doesn't judge me when he finds out who I am.

I hadn't even fallen asleep yet or Remus knocked on my door.
"June, can I come in?" I groaned. I'm really tired but told him he could anyway.
He opened the door only to tell me about my dad's current whereabouts.
"Sirius Black is in the castle."

The result of a Malfoy and a BlackTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon