Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Malfoy and Siriana Malfoy-Black.

"June are you up yet? Breakfast is almost over and classes are starting soon." Remus spoke through my door. I groaned and turned around. It's too early! I quess I can skip the first lesson. No one will notice.

Apparently people did notice as I had skipped the entire morning and only got out of bed by lunchtime. I adjusted the schooluniform a bit so it was more my style and walked to the great hall. Just like the day before I went to sit next to Remus only this time he immediatly spoke up.
"Where were you this morning? You were supposed to be in my class second period but you didn't show up."
"I was asleep. Back home I always sleep in and go out late."
"Didn't you have somewhere to be?"
"Nah, Charlie leaves for work at around half past seven and only returns at twelve for lunch and usually he walks by the bakery then to get us some bread or whatever. Then he leaves again at one o'clock and I head out on my motorcycle or I go with him or I go grocery chopping. At four Charlie usually gets off and then we go out. So yeah, I don't need to be awake in the morning."
By now Remus had turned his head completely in my direction so he was facing me. He was amused for some reason.
"Charlie?" He asked, eyebrows raised
"Yeah Charlie, we're roommates." I said shrugging it off. He smiled and shook his head before returning to his food. When no one was looking, I spiked my pumpkin juice up with my fire whiskey before I started drinking it. It tasted so good!

"Miss Malfoy?" Mcgonagall interupted my internal praising of fire whiskey.
"Yes, professor?" I replied, while trying to look innocent. My dad always talked about Mcgonagall when he spoke of Hogwarts and so did my mum. They both thought she was a great professor but also one you don't want to anger.
"Why weren't you in my class this morning?" Oh dragon dung, I had missed her class! Her class. Okay find a good excuse.
"I missed breakfast this morning and therefore didn't recieve my timetable. I didn't know what classes I had when or who I should ask. Would you know where I can find my timetable." Merlin I'm good in the innocent act! She's totally buying it. As if I didn't know she has my timetable.
"Well, I have your timetable so here you go", she passed it to me and then went on speaking, " I do hope to see you in my future lessons.
"Of course professor. Wouldn't wanna miss it for the world." She seemed satisfied and turned back to her food. Next to me, Remus was chuckling.
I shook my head and finished my breakfast or should I say lunch.

My first lesson in the afternoon was care of magical creatures. Hagrid is teaching that this year so it can't be boring.
I went to his hut where I saw the other students. It was a mixed class. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. None of them spoke to me. I quess I come off a bit to intimidating. It doesn't matter. Hagrid arrived and lead us all in the forbidden forest. We got to an open space and he started making strange noises while dropping a dead cow.

A few minutes later this bony horse skeletons with wings showed up. They're thestralls I believe.Not everyone is able to see them, you have to have seen death. It sucks I can see them. It's like a reminder that my mum died. Always nice to think about! Note the sarcasm.

Hagrid started explaining the thestralls while I zoned out. The next class was charms. Professor Flitwick is so tiny he has to stand on a stack of books to look around the class.
"Good afternoon, today we're learning about the Fidelius charm does what it is?" It's the reason my family broke apart. Is all I could think about.
Apparently no one else knew the charm or they were not planning on paricipating in class. Flitwick looked around before his eyes landed on me. Great.
"Miss Malfoy? Perhaps you know the charm?"
"The Fidelius charm is used to capture a secret in one living soul who then is known as the secret keeper. As long as the secret keeper doesn't tell anyone the secret, no one can find out. For example if the charm is used on someones house, people could be looking through there window without seeing the inhabitants." He smiled at me.
"Very good, miss Malfoy! Very good ten points for ... uhm you're not sorted right? What house do I assigne the points to?"
"You can give them to Gryffindor." The entire class looked chocked by my answer. I quess they were exspecting me to say Slytherin. Well surprise b*tches! My dad was a gryffindor and he is freakin great!

The rest of class went by in a blur and before you know it's over. I stood up and left to go wandering in the halls. It was my last class of the day. Is it strange that I miss Charlie already? I mean it hasn't even been two whole days and I already want to go back to him. Perhaps I can just go real quickly. If I sneak out to Hogsmeade and apparate from there no one will notice. I could of course just use my elemental fire to apparate then I can just leave from on the Hogwarts grounds but if any of the professors sees me than I might remind them of the twoyearold version of me that used that way to apparate in the great hall. Okay Hogsmeade it is.

I am lucky that my dad and uncles showed me all of Hogwarts otherwise I wouldn't have known about the passaway behind the one eyed witch statue. I tapped it with my wand while whispering 'dissendium' and was off. The tunnel was long and dark but finally ended by a trapdoor. I climbed up and checked if the coast was clear before getting out the tunnel and into the shop. I casually walked out and turned into a deserted alley. I turned on my heel and entered my house in Romania.

"Charlie! Charlie, are you home?" I heard someone coming down the stairs and then Charlie appeared. He hugged me and kissed my head.
"You gave me quite a scare when I came home yesterday and you weren't there. God Anna! Don't ever do that again!" I didn't answer I just snuggled deeper into his embrace.

After a while we let go of eachother and ordered take out. We played some wizard chess which I lost considering I'm a horrible chessplayer, then we played some exploding snap and then we made out. You can't blame us. We have no clue how long it'll be before we see eachother again.

When we finished, I had to leave again. It was already past eleven and I still needed to sneak back in from Hogsmeade.

I apparated to Hogsmeade when I realised something. Honeydukes is closed. I can't get back to the tunnel without breaking in and I don't know if the shop has a protection charm over it. I quess I'll have to go through the shrieking shack then.
The shack is creepy, even more so at night. I didn't see anything and I stumbled against a lot of stuff until I finally thought about lighting my wand. I thought I heard a noise but didn't think about it any further. I have to get into my room fast before Remus freaks.

Whoops, I quess I'm too late ...

The result of a Malfoy and a BlackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin