Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: all characters and places belong to J.K. Rowling except for June Malfoy and Siriana J. J. R. L. A. D. C. Malfoy-Black.

"June! JUNE! June, where are you?" A voice screamed, succesfully waking me up. I perked one eye open to see a man approaching me. On instinct, I put up a wall of fire. You can't get through without being burned unless you're an elemental like me. The cracking of the fire drowned out the man's yelling until he was right next to it.
"June? June is that you?" The voice sounded familiar but I'm of no use without enough sleep so my brain can't tell me who the man is.
"Who's asking?" I answered his question with a question.
"It's me, Remus. Are you okay?" Remus. Wait REMUS. Oh my, I forgot I'm at Hogwarts.
"I'm fine Remus. I just fell asleep." I let the fire die down and stood up. I walked past him and he followed.
"Uhm June?"
"Yeah?" Remus was now walking next to me and looked nervous.
"Uhm, how ... how did you do that? The fire I mean, you didn't even use your wand."
"For me to know for you to figure out. If you put everything you know about me together, you might just figure out my name and who my father is." He looked at me funny.
" I already know your name." I smirked at him.
"Do you now? Do you really? Do you know my full name, Remus? Could you tell me?"
He looked doubtfull before answering.
"June Lucy Malfoy?" I just laughed at him. He looked so lost.
"Yeah I'll help you. My first name is after my father, the the second name you know, June, after my mother. My third and fourth names are from my two godfathers, then my fifth name is after my uncle, Lucy. Then I also carry the name of my father's favorite cousin and the names of his adoptive parents. Then I have two last names my mothers, Malfoy and then also my fathers. So you don't know my full name. You got three out of ten. You failed."
After our little converstion he kept quiet. We walked in silence to our dorms and went to sleep.

Slowly but surely, the days went by and the first Hogsmeade trip would be this weekend on Halloween. I don't normally like Halloween as it's the anniversary of the day my family broke apart but Charlie has promised he'll come to meet up for lunch. I haven't seen him for so long that just thinking about our reunion makes me smile. I can't wait!

On saturday I surprised Remus by being out of bed, showered and dressed before nine o'clock.
"Someone is excited to go to Hogsmeade. Meeting someone?" He said in a sing song voice.
"As a matter of fact I am." I answered beaming at the thought of seeing Charlie again. He chuckled. He seriously chuckled at my answer or my face I'm not sure. A moment later I know why he was laughing. My hair had turned from a dark purple to a bright bubblegum pink. I changed it back to normal and joined Remus to breakfast.

"Are you also going to Hogsmeade or are you staying at the castle?"
"I'm going real quick and then I'm going back. I have to take a delivery of a Grindylow later."
"Going to Honeydukes to get some more chocolate, huh?" He smiled sheepishly at me and nodded. I laughed and ate my breakfast.
After a while breakfast was over and we went back to our dorm. I still had to return some books to the library and then I was going to leave for Hogsmeade.
When I arrived at the carriages I was met with the ginger twins.
"Hello June or-"
"Anna, do you want to-"
"Share a carriage?" They speak in turns which is starting to hurt my neck.
"Yeah sure, I quess." We stept inside the carriage only to be met with Remus.
"Hey Remus" I smiled at him. He returned the smile.
"Hello June, Fred, George"
"Hello professor Lupin." The twins chorused. The twins then started planning their day after a few minutes they turned to me. Remus was also looking at me, well he hasn't stopped since we left.
"So June, what are you going to do in Hogsmeade?" One twin asked.
"I'm meeting up with a friend of mine." I said. Remus snorted but played it of as a cough. I shot him a look but didn't say anything of it.
"A boyfriend?" The other twin asked. By now Remus was grinning like an idiot.
"No, not really. We're just really good friends."
Before anyone could comment the carriage stopped.
"We're here!" I practically shouted before jumping out of the carriage. I immediatly spotted my favorite redhead and ran towards him.

"Charlie!" Charlie turned around and hugged me.
"Anna! I missed you, love."
"I missed you too Char."
He held me until we were interrupted.

We sprung apart to see Fred and Georges grinning faces.
"You didn't tell us you were coming." One of them said. I can't tell who is who.
"I didn't know you'd be here" Charlie said while sneaking his arm back around my waist. The twins noticed and smirked.
"Have fun you two. Be safe!" With a suggestive wink they turned around and left.

"Sorry about that Anna. I hadn't thought about the possibility to come across them."
"It's fine Char, really." He smiled and gave me a sweet kiss. It only lasted a second which just wasn't enough. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my height before kissing him.

To my great annoyance, we were again interrupted. This time by Remus.
"Are you going to introduce me to your friend, June?"
I glanced at Charlie before turning to Remus.
"Remus this is Charlie, Charlie this is Remus."
They shook hands.
"Nice to meet you Charlie, I'm like June has said, Remus Lupin."
"Uhm yeah, nice to meet you too sir, I'm Charles Weasley but everyone calls me Charlie."

Before I could prevent it Remus was questioning Charlie.
"How old are you?"
"I'm 20 years old."
"What house were you in at Hogwarts?"
"What do you do for a living?"
"I work at a dragon institute in Romania."
"How long have you known June?"
"I've known her for about two years. She came to look at the dragons so I showed her around. We started talking and she ended up staying so I told her she could stay at my place and then a year later we bought a little house just for the two of us."
"Just the two of you?"
"Well yeah but uhm I uhm"
Charlie stumbling over his words is my clue to interfere.
"I told you Remus, Charlie and I are roommates. But uhm weren't you supposed to get some chocolate and go back to the castle to take that delivery?"
Getting the hint he said goodbye and left.

"Sorry about Remus. He might not know he's my godfather but he does play the part. He's just overprotective."
"It's fine Anna. I just wished I hadn't stuttered. He's your family and I wanted to make a good impression."
This made me smile. He wants to make a good impression. That's so adorable!
"Why are you looking at me like that?" My sweet dragontaming redhead asked.
"You're just to cute!"
"I'm not cute! I'm tough! I'm badass!" I just laughed at his antics and took his hand.
"Come on you badass. Let's get some food and firewhiskey!"

We spend the rest of the day together and it was GREAT. First we went to the three broomsticks for some lunch. Then we went to Honeydukes to get all kinds of sweets and after that we went to Zonko's. I wanted to prank some people at Hogwarts but to do that I needed the right equipment. To finish our day off, we went back to the three broomsticks and got some more firewhiskey. Afterwards he kissed me goodbye and let me step into the carriage which would lead me back to Hogwarts. I just hope Remus won't be teasing me too much.

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