Chapter Eighteen: You Say It like It's a Bad Thing

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"You're butt was on my phone," he said, glaring at me. He grabbed his phone reading the text that he got.

"Oh shoot," he mumbled.

"What?" I asked, taking a sip of my delicious coffee.

"So basically, my cousin works at Wonderland, and he gave me this free ticket that works until today, and I totally forgot about it," he explained, rubbing his face.

"Why don't you ask one of your dumb friends to go with you?"

He glared at me, but then his face turned into a more sneaky one. "Why don't you come with me?"

I choked on my coffee. "You want me to come with you?"

He nodded his head.

"I can't I have things to do," I said, shrugging. But then, I thought of how long I haven't been to Wonderland. It was closing soon, because of the cold weather, so maybe I should go?

He shrugged. "Fine, I'll get someone else then."

"No, wait, I want to come!" I said, without thinking.

What about Sana?

"You do?" He asked.

I do?

"I do," I replied, nodding.

He smirked. "Get ready for the time of your life then."

I rolled my eyes. "First finish these math questions."

He groaned once again, as he began reading over the question.

As were both focused on the math question, we jumped when we heard footsteps walking towards us.

"I didn't mean to scare you guys," we heard a woman's voice come from behind us. I whipped my head behind me, and I saw a lady standing there. She looked beautiful, with her chocolate brown hair, and shimmering eyes.

Garrett turned around as well. "Oh, hi mom," he said, turning back and finishing the math.

"That's your mom?" I said in shock, but then covered my mouth immediately. I knew I shouldn't have said that, but she looked too young!

Garrett's mom laughed. "Garrett, I like this one."

I blushed.

"Mom, if you're thinking that she's a girl I took home, she's not. She's here to tutor me math."

His mom looked impressed. "Really?" She said, glancing at me. "What's your name?"

"Nafisa," I answered, fidgeting in my seat.

"That's such a pretty name," she cooed.

Garrett rolled his eyes, and continued writing stuff down on his notebook.

I watched as Garrett's mom took a seat beside us. "So where are you from, Nafisa?"

"I've lived my entire life in Canada, but my background is Pakistani," I replied, not making eye contact with her.

She nodded slowly. "Pakistani. Right, my ex husband was Pakistani too."

I bit my lip, while nodding. How was I supposed to respond to that?

"Mom," Garrett said, giving his mom a look. "Don't start-"

"What?" She asked innocently.

He just sighed heavily.

His mom just shook her head, and turned back her attention to me. "So, you're a Muslim?"

I nodded my head slowly.

A Non-Hijabi's PerspectiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang