Chapter Eight: This Was Now War

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"Okay, so this is all that I think I'll be needing for the trip tomorrow," Sana said, as she opened her suitcase.

My eyes widened. "That's a lot of stuff, Sana. Are you sure you need them all?"

Sana nodded her head wildly. "Seven days, Nafisa, seven days!"

I sighed heavily. "What even is in there?"

Sana excitedly clapped her hands as she dug into her suitcase. "I brought seven day outfits, for like you know the debates and the touring around London. And I also brought three fancy clothes in case we go to like a fancy dinner or something."

"That's a little too much don't you think?" I asked, with my eyebrows raised.

She shook her head. "I also brought five pairs of shoes, one pair of heels, boots, one pair of comfortable walking shoes, flats and another pair of comfortable walking shoes."

"Oh yeah, and I brought three sweaters and two coats."

I just stared with my mouth opened wide. "How the heck did you fit all of that in there?"

She just shrugged. "And my pajamas. Got one for each day of the week. And my stuff like my toothbrush and small shampoo bottle." 

Then she giggled. "And of course, my under stuff."

As you can obviously tell, tomorrow was the big London trip, and Sana was sleeping over, as she brought her carry-on and suitcase with her. I, on the other hand, didn't get anything ready, at all.

"You are insane," is all I said, as I walked to my closet to pick out my outfits.

"And obviously, my makeup, hairbrush, wallet and other necessities are in my carry on."

"Of course," I said, with an eye roll. "Now, can you please help me pick out my outfits?"

She nodded excitedly as her an to my closet.

After a couple of hours of packing my suitcase, my mom walked in.

"Betas, you need some energy for tomorrow, so come eat. I made fried rice."

Sana licked her lips. "Aunty, you cooking is the best!" She exclaimed, as she got up.

My mom laughed. "You haven't tried the rice yet!"

Sana giggled as well. "I know it's going to be good."

"Thank you, beta. You see, Nafisa? At least mera pyeray (my precious) Sana appreciates my cooking!"

I rolled my eyes. "She's just saying that to get attention from you, mama."

Sana smacked my arm. "Rude!"

My mom just smiled and shook her head as she left my room.

My mom really liked Sana, and always compared me to her. What can I say? Sana was that amazing.

"Let's go get some food!" Sana said, as we walked to the kitchen.

After taking like 3 more refills of the fried rice, Sana groaned.

"Ugh, your mom is a great cook," Sana moaned, as she rubbed we stomach

I shrugged. "She's not bad."

"Carry me to your room, child!" Sana said, as she raised her arms up, to be picked up.

I laughed. "God created two legs for you, use them!"

"Buzzkill," she muttered, as she got up, and headed back to my room, to continue our fun adventure of packing Nafisa's suitcase.


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