Internet Dating (Chapter Fifty Nine)

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Chapter Fifty Nine

I searched all over for Zeke. It was like the moment I needed to find him he disappeared off the face of the planet. I didn’t want to ask anyone if he had seen him either, I didn’t want people jumping to conclusions; although they’d probably jump to the right one.

He definitely wasn’t in the café, and he wasn’t outside, and his car was still here. It was driving me insane. I walked up the stairs to the top level of the café, which was soon to be a restaurant, it was still being built. I looked around up there and the sighed when I saw him outside on the veranda. He was leaning against the rail and looking down over the edge.

I took a deep breath, this was it... I had to do it now. I had to tell him now. Good God, I can’t breathe. Okay, Alex, deep breaths, one foot in front of the other. I opened the door and Zeke glanced slightly back at me. I shut the door behind me and took another deep breath. I swear I was about to fall to the ground having an anxiety attack.

“Zeke,” I whispered.

“Don’t say anything,” he muttered.

“But-,” I tried to speak.

“I need to talk first,” he told me, interrupting me. “You need to hear what I have to say first.”

“Okay,” I nodded.

He didn’t look at me, his hand tightened around the rail and he looked back down at the ground.

“Sometimes I hate you so much. You’re so annoying with everything you do, how you have to be right, how you hate people that try and tell you you’re wrong, and how you’re so stubborn about being right,” Zeke said.

“Hey-!” I tried to speak again, because I was kind of angry now.

“No, let me finish,” Zeke said quickly, still not looking at me. “At the same time you’re absolutely amazing. You’re so beautiful, you’re so alive. You don’t care what people think, you always speak your mind.”

Zeke paused and turned around to face me. He sighed when he saw and then continued.

“I can’t stop thinking about you, I can’t help but stare at you.... and it really annoys me, because I know I should be thinking about my mum today... but no matter how hard I try, it’s only you I see. I’m more upset about leaving you then all the stuff with my mum. I really can’t-.”

Zeke didn’t get to finish his sentence. I had taken my time to take in what he had said, but the moment I understood I reached out for him, grabbing his shirt and bought his lips down to mine. Just the feeling of him kissing me.... for real... for the first time, was absolutely amazing. He was shocked at first, it took him a while to kiss me back, but when I did everything around us no longer exists. All the stupid little problems, all the anger, all the sadness, all that was left between us was passion.

This could’ve gone on for a while, neither of us wanted to stop, and with each second of the kiss, we both got heaps more involved, but even with all that there was someone there to interrupt us.

“I don’t mean to a bother,” a voice said behind me, causing me and Zeke to break away from each other. I knew that voice.... it was Zeke’s dad. “They want you downstairs, Zeke. People are making speeches or something.”

“Okay... thanks, Dad, really... just give me a second,” Zeke said softly.

“You’ve got about ten minutes then,” he said.

“Okay,” Zeke said.

I hadn’t opened my eyes. They had closed during the kiss and when I heard Zeke’s father’s voice I did not want to open my eyes. So I wasn’t sure if Roy had left or not, but I soon became aware of that when I felt Zeke’s lips back on mine. It wasn’t like last time, it was just quick and this time when I opened my eyes his head was near mine.

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