I turn from the room as I silently leave the building running the opposite Way I came.

I don't want to hear anymore

I don't want to know anymore

I don't want a mate.

I feel myself running as I find the nearest exit through the houses past the field and towards the line of the trees. It's beginning to rain as I venture further into the Forrest.

But he said he didn't want her?

She said he liked it?

I feel a shift in the air as it darkens dramatically around me. the air feels thin to breathe but I want it. I don't want to feel anything. I stop to look up to the tall trees above me in a daze. it looks beautiful as I see the the drops of rain sparkle from the bits of the sun shining through.

I feel the darkness grow around me as I look around curiously as my view becomes even clearer.

I feel empty

I feel nothing

It's weird as I still feel like myself but where nothing no longer matters. I hold my hands out in front of me as I stare intently at them. My eyes snap to my ring as I see it glisten in the light beaming down through the trees before it's gone and the rain begins to fall more heavily.


I spin around surprised but my heart doesn't spike as I thought it would I just stand there looking at Jason.

"Mia.. ?" He says sounding confused holding his hands up to show he's not a threat

I can't bring myself to say anything as I no longer feel in control. The darkness has wrapped itself all around me and I'm struggling to breathe as it is

"Mia can you hear me?" Jason mind links

I hear Jason's voice come into my mind as I mentally frown at how can he mind link me?

The thought has me distracted as I feel myself tilt my head looking at him feeling confused. It's only now I can see the worried expression on his face as his eyes flick behind me

My body spins around as I feel myself still. I try to turn back to Jason..

I'm not in control

I suddenly feel scared as I feel my heart begin to race as all the blood drains from me as I can only now move my hands again.

What the hell is happening to me

I stumble back from the sudden feel back into my legs as I quickly steady myself, my heart is racing

I burst into tears as I crumble to the floor feeling Jason wrap his arms around me holding me tightly

"What the fuck Mia?" He says in disbelief

I bury my head into his chest as I can't stop the tears from coming

We sit there like that for what feels like forever.

Soon my tears run dry as I lean back wiping my face with the back of my hand

"Are you ok?" I hear the worry in Jason's voice

No I'm not ok

"Yea" I push out

"Are you going to explain to me what just happened" he says lightly but I feel he is still slightly tense

I look up to his face as I see relief wash over him as he than brings me into him hugging me again.

"I don't know" I say vaguely with my head on his chest watching the drops of water fall from the leaves around us

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