Everyone still looks puzzled, so he continues. 

"Also, the two employees of Taiyou TV did nothing more than publicly criticize Kira. Kira has never killed people like that before." 

"The real Kira would not kill critics. He could care less about them . Leaving some of the major criminals alive and killing smaller public figures is definetly not Kira's idea of justice." Matsuda says. 

"Rather, it is very likely that in his attempt to prove his identity, the second Kira avoided criminals that the original Kira might have killed before the tapes that were sent could be wiewed." Ryuzaki says. "So if he chose major criminals, there was a high chance the real Kira would have killed them alreday. If anything went wrong and the prediction failed, no one would believe that he is Kira." 

"And that's why he chose innocent people on TV? That may be stretching it a little." Matsuda says. 

"Either way, we can't conclude that the tapes are from a second Kira just because of that, right?" Aizawa asks. 

"Ryuzaki, if you had to put a number on it, what's the probability that there is a second Kira?" Chief Yagami asks. 

"At least 70%" Ryuzaki replies. "Everything he has done is very unlike the first Kira." 

"How so?" Aizawa asks. 

I'm pretty sure he just spent about 10 minutes explaining it before. Anne thinks, annoyed. 

"For example, the quality of the tapes are way too poor. The words are badly drawn and the sound is poorly blurred by double playback. It sounds like it was recorded with a microphone on a small V8." Ryuzaki explains. "If the real Kira were to have done it, he would have used a better camera, a better sound recorder, and an external microphone. Furthermore, during the live broadcast, he killed policemen and innocent workers in front of the public's eyes. He should have known that doing so could cause the public to dislike him even more." 

Ryuzaki takes a break to take another sip of his tea. 

"The real Kira must be very angry right now." He says. "The second Kira's actions directly conflict the actions of the real Kira. The real Kira was taking it slow and cautiously introducing his ideals to the public. Kira would never use scare tactics that look more like terrorism." 

"So... Then the fingerpring..." Aizawa says. 

"Hm? Fingerprint?" Chief Yagami asks. 

"We found a set of fingerprints on both the envelope and video tape that don't belong to anyone in the TV station." Aizawa replies. 

"I think the real Kira would never leave behind fingerprints, and definetely not twice." Matsuda says. 

"Maybe he is trying to frame someone with the prints?" Aizawa suggests. 

"No, it is more likely that this fingerprint belongs to the second Kira." Ryuzaki says. "The real Kira has no reason to frame someone right now, nor would he want to. So, if another Kira does exist, then his intellectual level is definetely worse than the real Kira's. He might not have considered the possibility of the tapes being confiscated by the police." 

"By the way..." Ryuzaki says, holding up the evidence in front of his face. "This finger print is rather small." 

"Small?" Chief Yagami asks. 

"Yes. It may be from a child or a woman." Ryuzaki replies. 

"Back in the hospital, my son said that Kira is likely a kid from a rich family." Chief Yagami says. 

"Whether it be the first Kira or the second Kira, your son may be correct." Ryuzaki says. "In that case, if we consider that this is from the second Kira, there is a possibility that he can kill under different criteria.  If we catch one of them, we can surely find clues about the other. I think the first Kira is definitely smarter than the second. If I were the first Kira, I would definitely want to find out who the imposter is before the police do, then analyze how useful he is, and finally eliminate the imitator before the police find him. This is a battle between the real Kira and us to find the false Kira, and there is a chance that we will capture the real one in the process." 

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