Lady French Pastry Toenail

Start from the beginning

Aya: Understood. Operation needs more spice is a go!

I smirked and tucked my phone away back in my pocket. I walked over to Haruhi and placed a hand on her shoulder and half bowed to Lady Eclair.

"My lady, how are you today? Are you enjoying the host club and the festival?" I asked giving my most fake smile i could manage. She narrowed her eyes at me for a moment, then at Haruhi before easing up. She shrugged her shoulders and brushed us off. "Would you care for something to drink? Some refreshing hot coco, or perhaps something sweet?" The french pastry shook her head. I was about to continue pestering her when Kyoya called for Haruhi and I. The chairman was sitting on one of the sofas. He smiled at me and Haruhi. I bowed to him. "Chairman, it's wonderful to see you again. I hope you are doing well and enjoying the festivities today."

"Yes, the host club looks wonderful Koyuki. I hear you're the one to thank for all of this. You-" I zoned out while searching for Kyoya. The slap comes soon, and I have to stop it. The chairman frowned when he realized I was no longer paying attention. "Your fiance is with his father dear." He pointed to the entrance. I thanked him, introduced him to Haruhi and rushed away. Mr. Ootori was scowling at everything. Kyoya stood silently behind him as he looked around.

"Mr.Ootori! I'm glad you cou-"

"Koyuki dear, now is not the time. Could you please excuse Kyoya and I for a moment?" He cut me off with a bitter tone. I paused in my tracks and pursed my lips. Kyoya pushed up his glasses, and nodded to me as if saying it was okay to leave him. Does this mean I can't prevent the slap?

"A-as you wish sir. Kyoya, I love you." He just smiled weakly and didn't return the love. I bowed and walked away slowly. I closed my eyes and held my breath. A loud smack rang through the entire host room, causing everyone to grow silent. I turned and looked as Kyoya's whole head whipped to the side, and his glasses went flying off. "Kyoya!" I cried out and rush to him.

"Is this how my son, and future daughter-in-law, have been wasting their time?" I knelt down beside Kyoya and handed him his glasses. His hand shook as he took them from me, and slid them on his face. "You're an embarassment to the Ootori name. And I'm not sure if i wish you to share it with someone else who acts in this thriftless manor." He scowled and walked away. Kyoya and I rose to our feet. My arms were around Kyoya's waist but he kind of shrugged me off, and stood watching his father walk away. I stepped back and stared at Kyoya as the host members circled him. Tamaki was the first to ask if he was alright. The twins pointed out how mean and cruel his father was, and Honey tried to add into the comments by saying you should never hit someone with glasses. The twins sweat-dropped and shook their heads at honey. Haruhi stepped closer to him, which slightly annoyed me.

"Kyoya senpai, your father wasn't really upset with you two because of the host club, was he?" She asked. Tamaki gave a bewildered expression. I went to answer when Kyoya just waved a hand.

"Don't worry, It's not like i wasn't expecting this."

"B-because of the host club?" Tamaki whispered. We looked to him, then they turned to look at me. Their looks said it all. They were waiting for me to fall apart. I swallowed and adjusted my glasses and smiled. I put my finger to my lips and pointed to the chairman who was stepping closer. I wasn't going to cry, but if I spoke, I'm sure I would. Tamaki's father started on Tamaki about how this was all ridiculous, and how he needed to grow up if he wanted to be the head of the suoh family.

"Look sharp now." He told Tamaki as the doors open. I frowned and Honey clenched onto me. Tamaki grinned and ran over to give his grandmother a warm welcome. The woman instantly was a bitch to him. As much as I hate Tamaki, I hated his grandmother, and the french pastry more. Speaking of which the french pastry walked forward and started analyzing Tamaki. I shook my head. Alright, first things first, take care of Kyoya, then operation needs more spice is a go! I excused myself and went after kyoya. He was sitting alone at a table, typing away at his keyboard. He was completely oblivious to anything going on. I swallowed hard and put on my best face.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked pulling the chair across from him out. He ignored me and continued his typing. I sighed and fidgeted with my ring. An idea came to mind. I sure hope this works, or i'll be miserable for the rest of the fair. I bit the side of my cheek hard so tears would weld in my eyes. I made a feel sniffle sounds and rose to my feet. "I'm sorry Kyo. I hope you find someone your father approves of." I whispered, starting to slide my ring off my finger. His hand instantly shot out to cover mine. His grip was rough and tight but i just remained still.

"If you say those words again, or try to remove that ring again, so help me Koyuki Takashi.."He threaten, looking up at me. I smirked and moved closer to him. He looked stunned for a moment, but shook it off, shaking his head. "You got me again." He grumbled. I giggled and sat in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly. "I'm sorry I was rude to you Yuki, I didn't mean it." He apologized. I kissed him over and over.

"Don't apologize, I understand. Now Kyo, I'm gonna need your help. Theres an interesting french pastry princess here, that has intentions of stealing our dimwitted prince from us unless we do something." kyoya raised an eyebrow as if to say french pastry? I kissed his nose and explained the situation of Lady Eclair, and how Tamaki's grandmother is leaving her in his care, and how tamaki is thinking everything happening badly is his fault because of his "childish" behavior of having the host club. Kyoya slammed his first on the table. He cursed loudly.

"What do we do Yuki?" He asked, his dark aura was swirling meaning Kyoya; was pissed. I smirked and looked at him.

"Let's go to the rest of the club, and I'll explain everything." We stood and walked to where the rest of the host were talking. Renge was in the middle explaining who Lady Eclair was. Usually I'd kill Renge for being out, but I actually needed her, well needed her to fill people in and may have a small task for her. Everyone's faces dropped when Kyoya, Renge and I mentioned how the french pastry was pretty damn close to royalty.

"But, that doesn't explain why she's here visiting Tamaki." Kyoya pointed out. We all nodded. I noticed Haruhi wasn't looking at us anymore. She was looking out a window with her hands balled into fist. I walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Haru-chan, we're not losing our prince. I have a plan-"

"WE have a plan. Haruhi dear can you go fetch me some commoners coffee" Aya snickered coming out of the shadows. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her form of entry and her request. Haruhi looked confused and muttered about wanting to help before taking off. Ayumi sat down in the middle of everyone. "So here it is. Eclair Toenail is here because Tamaki's grandmother wants them to marry. She's going to bribe him with seeing his mother again and that will make him accept the offer. The reason I sent Haruhi away is because we're going to have Haruhi come out finally as a girl to everyone, we also need to fully realize the one thing we all know;" She paused to look at me.

"Haruhi is in love with Tamaki." A clash came from behind me. We all turned. Haruhi was standing there, looking pale with a broken teacup at her feet. Everyone held their breath, not daring so speak. When Haruhi snapped out of it. She tugged on her tie, loosening it and asked, 

"What do I do first."


okay so here i another chappie. I'm breaking the fair into three or four different chapters instead of two because it helps with length of story, and im sure you guys don't want me jumping right to the action in one chapter. Right? LEt me know what you think. Any suggestions on operation needs more spice? Let me know in the comments! ALl suggestions and ideas are greatly appreciated and i love hearing from all of you!! 

~vooote, comment, follow~ thaanks :*

Sucked Into The Manga (Book one) Ouran HighSchool Host ClubWhere stories live. Discover now