"I think it was..." she replied, "He was cute, though..."

"Do you think he heard us talking?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"Probably," she admitted.

"Oh God, it's only my first day, and I've already managed to anger one of the students. Let's hope I don't see him anywhere else." I muttered, as I watched him walk into the building.

"Well, he is in the maths building, I can't guarantee that you won't bump into him, as much as you don't like it, you're taking maths this year honey."

"Bollocks." I continued, "I hope the guy isn't in my class..."

We walked in silence for a while, the guilt of offending the Vulcan student still playing on my mind. We both sat down on a bench, and were soon joined by friends. Su Ling, another medical student, and her boyfriend, Ian, who was studying applied physics. They had both gone to China over the summer to visit Su Ling's parents, and were full of energy talking about their trip.

"Who did you get for elective?" I asked Su Ling, and she grinned massively.

"Biochem. McCormack. You?"

I sighed. "Maths."

She grimaced in sympathy, whilst Ian laughed out loud.

"The Vulcan?" he asked, "That's going to be a dull year for you, Birchwood."

I nodded in agreement, whilst T'yonga was too busy fanning herself with her hand at the thought of Professor McCormack. "You're going to have to watch your back, Ian," she laughed, "If I was in McCormack's class I'd leave you right away!"

Su Ling giggled, and ruffled Ian's long blonde hair, whilst he pouted comically, "Don't you worry, Ian," she insisted, "I'm not going to leave you for an Irish Biochemist, no matter how gorgeous he may be."

"Well I may end the year dead from boredom with the classes I have lined up for me, so..." I grumbled, and Su Ling patted me on the back.

"I'm sure he won't be that bad, Alex..." she reassured me, but her face said otherwise.

I glanced at my watch and sighed, it was ten to nine. Time for me to set off for my first class.

"Time to go guys," I said, gathering up my belongings and logging onto my PADD.

My first lecture was... maths.

Fantastic. Start the day with a bang.

"Enjoy McCormack, Su Ling," called T'yonga, wiggling her plucked eyebrows as Su Ling rolled her eyes and grinned, before walking off in the direction of the science building, where I desperately wanted to be going.

"Where are you off to?" asked T'yonga, catching up with me easily with her long legs.

"Maths," I replied, grumbling.

"Me too," she said, as she linked my arm and dragged me unwillingly towards the looming maths building, and we joined the throng of students trying to squeeze through the slightly-too-small double doors.

"What room are you in?" asked T'yonga, "I'm in 1507."

"2401." I replied, reading the number off my PADD.

"See you in a bit then. Enjoy." And with a conspiratorial wink, she set off in the opposite direction.

I headed towards the stairs. The first digit of the room number corresponded with the floor that the room was on, so I would need to be on floor 2 for my first maths lesson. Jogging up the stairs, I glanced at my watch. Five to nine. I hoped that I could find my way to room 401 before my nine O'clock start. If there was one things that Vulcans liked, it was punctuality.

The corridors were clearing, and I ran down them, glancing at the room numbers. "399, 400, 401."

I burst through the door, panting heavily, to see all the students already sat down, and looking at me like I had just grown an extra head. Considering that there was a girl in the front row who did actually have an extra head, I found it quite offensive.

"Sorry, sorry..." I muttered as I squeezed my way past grumbling students until I made my way to a spare seat on the second row in the middle. I plonked myself down and got my books and calculator out of my bag, before glancing up at the teacher's desk.

A tall Vulcan was stood facing the blackboard at the front of the class, his back to us.

"Now that we're all here..." he said in a low American accent, "Shall we begin?"

He turned around, and my blood went cold. The face, the eyebrows, the ears, the judgemental expression...

He was the Vulcan from the courtyard. The Vulcan who had most likely overheard me insulting his race. The Vulcan who was now giving me the stink-eye like I was a piece of shit that ended up on the bottom of his shoe.

This was going to be an interesting lesson.


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