Chapter 7 Pack meeting

Start from the beginning

"We're with you too, Alpha," snarls Cody and Keith. Even though I still hate them now for what they did to Luka, I'm glad they're here. I disconnect the mind link again.

"What's with these wolves, why are they going crazy?" Maloney asks me with a slight whimper.

"Oh ya, you're new," I pause and let out a slight huff before I continue. "Maloney, imagine that a wolf pack is a solar system. The alpha's the sun, and the other wolves are the planets that orbit around him or her. Now imagine that the sun left the solar system. The whole solar system would fall out of balance. Well, the same can be said for a wolf pack. A pack with no Alpha has no center, no direction, and no orbit."

"Oh, I get it now," she yelps.

We all stop just behind the tree line, and I peek my head out just slightly so that I can watch the scene playing out in the Valley. Out in front of us is a large group of wolves, 13 of them at least, circling one another and growling as if they were a pack of vultures, discussing what their next move will be.

"I know, we could just wait around here, and see if Alpha Ace comes back for us because I am not staying here," says a young male sandy colored wolf. From what I can see from here. This young wolf has light blue eyes and a pair of ears that are a little too big for his body almost as if he still has some growing to do, along with a lean build and a small white sock on his left front foot.

"We could see if there are any other packs we could join," says a male gangly, charcoal gray wolf with big paws, and deep brown eyes.

"Well, I want to stay here," says a brindled dark beige wolf with amber eyes.

"I told you I'm not going to stay here!" The sandy colored wolf tackles the smaller wolf. With the heat rising in my chest I dart out of the trees. The smaller wolf starts to whine. I run faster.

"Enough!" I growl revealing all of my canines. The fight breaks up, and I run towards the brindled dark beige wolf who's still laying on the ground. "Are you okay?" I whimper.

"Yes, thank you," he whimpers back, as he slowly gets back to his feet.

"Sophie, are you alright?" My uncle whimpers, as he and my pack come rushing up.

"I'm fine, uncle, thanks for asking," I grumble softly as I turn towards him. After a moment, I turn back towards the other wolves. "Okay, well, now that we have that settled, what's going on?" I snarl, exposing my canines slightly.

"Alpha Ace just left us, and we don't know what to do," a ruddy colored wolf snarls slightly.

"Yes, that much I do know," I snarl slightly again.

"Alpha Sophie you're his girlfriend, why did he leave?" asks a smaller light gray female wolf with jade colored eyes.

"Well, I found my mate today," I pause.

"That's no big deal, but why did he leave in such a huff?" asks a larger black female wolf.

"Well there's something you should know, my mate is, well, he's the Omega," I say, in a grumble. All of the wolves went quiet, even the air went silent. I look back towards my Uncle, he then looks towards Keith and Cody, who are both standing in between us.

"So that's what started the discussion earlier," he huffed, I connect his mind link to mine.

"I'll tell you all the details later," I say, my uncle nods.

"An Alpha having an Omega for a mate is unthinkable, it cannot be allowed," growls the sandy colored wolf.

My ears perk up and the fur on the back of my neck stands up on end. "My pack, my rules," I growl loudly, as I walk slowly over towards him with my nostrils flared "And if you don't like my rules, I can put you in your place real quick," I growl, as I start to tower over him.

His alpha her Omega (Book 1 of the His Alpha Her Omega Series)Where stories live. Discover now