Chapter 6.

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I woke up to the sound of my phone. Gosh, couldn't I just wake up once on my own instead of being woken up by something else? Ugh. It was an e-mail. I opened it and started reading.

'Hey Alice, it's me. I know we've been out of touch for a while now but I'm back in town and I'd really like to catch up. You wanna hang out some time? I was hoping tonight. You have my number so call me. -Jimmy.'

Wait... what? He's back? How? Oh no, I forgot, I'm supposed to go with Sam tonight. Crap.

I quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I stepped in the shower and turned the water on. As I got out, I was still thinking about what I was going to do. I picked out my outfit and walked to the kitchen. I saw Sam sitting on the counter drinking some kind of juice. He noticed me and said 'Hey, are we still on for tonight?' Shoot. I was hoping he wouldn't ask. Oh god. I didn't know what to say.

So I just went with it 'Um... about that, I can't make it tonight' I bit my lip.

'Why?' He asked a little confused.

'Well' I had to tell him the truth 'my friend is back in town and he wants to hang out tonight. He's a really old friend and we wanna catch up. I'm so sorry but I haven't seen him in a long time so... yeah.'

He didn't speak for a few seconds and finally said 'Okay. Don't worry we'll go out another time I guess.' looking down. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and turned around to look at him. He was still sitting there, looking down. He finally looked up at me 'But, could you tell me who your friend is?'

'His name's Jimmy.' I saw his jaw clench and unclench.

'Okay.' I started walking away. I pulled my phone out and texted Jimmy.

Me: 'hey its me alice. i got your email.'

I just sat there and waited for a couple of minutes until he replied.

Jimmy: 'heyy! whats up? are we on for tonight btw?'

Me: 'nothing. yeah we are. where do you wanna go?'

Jimmy: 'i dont know, i havent been here in a while, you know this town better. you pick a place and just tell me where.'

Me: 'ray's diner? dont tell me you forgot about that place! we used 2 always go there!'

Jimmy: 'haha no i didnt. so... meet me there at 8?'

Me: 'lol ok. i gotta go. see you tonight.'

Jimmy: 'bye. (:'

I sighed and a smile spread across my face. I put my phone in my purse and decided to go do a little shopping since I didn't get the chance to go yesterday.

After a couple of hours at the mall, I stopped by a hot dog stand and got my favorite hot dog with extra pickles of course. I looked at my watch, it was 5. I still had three hours. I finished my food, threw my napkin in the nearest garbage bin and took a cab home. By the time I was done getting ready, it was past 7. I had my dad drive me. No one spoke in the car until my dad broke the silence with a question I was trying to avoid so I wouldn't have to lie to him.

'So.. who are you meeting there Alice?'

'Um..' I hesitated. Should I lie or should I go with the truth? Lie. 'Melissa and her cousin.'

'Alright.' He nodded. As soon as he put the car in Park mode I quickly said goodbye and rushed out of the car. I walked in like I had done a million times before. The same familiar smell lingered in the air. But for some reason, it was different tonight. The place seemed different. Not furniture-wise, but, like, feeling-wise. I still couldn't believe that I was going to see him. My 8th grade boyfriend, the first guy I ever kissed. My best friend. My Jimmy. Suddenly a tall boy with dark brown hair, green eyes, and a beautiful trademark smile that I'd seen a million times before on a much younger and less mature boy. This was a man. He wasn't that 14 year old doofus. He was a man.


"Um... Hey." I managed say.

"Hi Ace! How've you been? God I've missed you and the guys so much! Too bad we stopped talking for a while. But it's cool. We're here now." he said while giving me a tight hug. I pulled away and chuckled nervously.

"Haha yeah..."

I just sat there staring at him for a few seconds until the waiter came and finally saved me from this awkward moment.

"You guys ready to order?"

We gave him our orders and waited. As soon as my drink got here I litterally drank a sip every time things got awkward.

"Well this is weird." Jimmy said looking down at his phone. "Come on Ace, say something? Like, what have you been up to, what's happened recently and stuff like that."

So I told him about Sam and Aaron. Once I started, I was on a roll. I kept on talking for about 20 minutes and he just sat there looking at me and nodding every few seconds. When our food got here, I took a break from all the talking. He told me about his new school and his other friends. He seems to be having fun there. But right then he asked a question that I did NOT see coming.

"Are you into that guy Sam?"

"What? No! Of course not!"

He chuckled "Well it sure seems like it."

I spent the next 30 minutes trying to make him believe me. I wasn't lying. I don't really have feelings for Sam. I barely know the guy!

We walked down the block to his car. The car ride was silent. When we reached the street I lived in, I told him to stop the car. I didn't want my dad seeing him with me.

"I don't like him." I said for the 500th time that night.

"Yeah ok whatever you say."

"You don't believe me do you?"

"Nope." He replied.

That's it. I was about to give up. But I hated losing an argument. So I just leaned forward and kissed him. I instantly regretted it but I wasn't really thinking straight.

"See? I don't like him."

"Uh.. ok I believe you." he said sounding a little confused. "But... What just happened?"

"I kissed you." I tried so hard trying to sound casual and like it was nothing but the memories that were buried so deep started rushing back into my head. I could feel my heart race really fast and hear it pound in my ears.  

As soon as I knew, he was on on top of me and kissing me like never before. This kiss wasn't like all the others we shared. This one was so passionate I didn't want the moment to end.  

Suddenly, all my feelings for him were back. But it's like they were magnified and way more intense.  

He got off of me and helped me back up. 'No! Stay there!' is what I wanted to say. But I didn't have the guts to.

"I guess I'll see you later" is what I said.

"Yeah okay." he muttered.

I opened the car door but he stopped me and said "Call me yeah?"

"Of course. See ya"

Alice's 15th SummerWhere stories live. Discover now