Chapter V

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Annabeth led me to the front door of the Apollo cabin, fortunately, under the canopy, the cabin's shimmering material was not as blinding, allowing Annabeth to lock eyes with me.

"I'll leave you here, I suspect that as soon as you have your prophecy, Mr. D will force us out; so I'm going to find Jason and bring him up to date on what's going to happen," she explained and parted by saying. "Good luck!"

"Thanks..." I stepped forward to grasp the doorknob but stopped as the door immediately opened and a girl with clothes covered in splotches of so many colors that it gave me a headache.

"Hi! My name's Rachel Dare, I'm the Oracle of Delphi," she said as she held out her hand which was just as multicolored as her shirt.

I took it cautiously. "My name is Tristan."

"Yes, I know," she said with a smile. "You're here for a prophecy, right?"

"That is what I have been told, yes," I answered.

She hummed and sat down in the chair a few steps away from the door. She closed her eyes. "Kay, give me one second..."

There was a beat of silence before the girl opened her eyes again to reveal eerily glowing green eyes and from her mouth poured a strange fog as a different, much older voice came from her lips.

"You will find what you seek,

And it will make your friends squeak.

The worst crime will make things look bleak,

It will ultimately turn Greek against Greek."

Once Rachel had finished, she blinked and her green eyes went back to normal.

The two of us did not say a word or move.

"Are you feeling all right?" I asked her finally.

She nodded. "Yes, I just didn't like the ending of that prophecy..."

I felt as if there was something she was going to add but decided against it.

"Well, Annabeth told me I should find her after I spoke to you, so thank you," I said.

"Good luck, Tristan," she replied and went back into the cabin.

I left the shining cabin and went back to the bonfire where Annabeth, Chiron and a boy with blonde hair and matching clothes were waiting for me.

"You must be Tristan," the boy greeted with a nod. "I'm Jason, son of Jupiter."

I was confused for a second but remembered what Mr. D said and shrugged it off, Jupiter had to be another name for Zeus.

Chiron spoke next. "Tristan, be careful, follow Annabeth and Jason's examples, they are both weathered heroes and won't lead you astray."

I nodded. "I will do my best."

"Then it is time for you to leave," Chiron said abruptly. "To stay any longer would incur the wrath of Mr. D."

Jason adjusted the pack on his back. "Then let's get to it."

We walked across the clearing to a simple archway with twin pillars that read Camp Half-Blood in big Greek letters.

We each said our goodbyes, Chiron gave me a sack that was filled with green papers and gold drachmas, and then he turned around and went back towards the camp.

"Well, Chiron said we could take the car to Port Jefferson, we park it there and then take the ferry to Bridgeport," explained Jason.


The  Unclaimed Daughter (PJO fan-fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz