Chapter I

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The day's brilliant sun shown down on the small clearing I had decided to rest in. The birds were chirping pleasantly in the trees and I was completely content.

Today was my birthday, April fourteenth, I was thirteen, and nature seemed to be celebrating with me. It was as if the birds were singing specifically for me and the wind in the leaves were keeping the rhythm.

Under the canopy of a small tree, I reclined against its trunk, sitting in a low-lying branch strong enough to hold me. In my hands, I held a small knife and a stick that I whittled with ease, thinking of the small deer head I was shaping it into.

"I sense we're getting closer, he's got to be somewhere over here..."

When I heard the voice, I immediately lay flat in the branches, placing my knife and piece of wood in my jacket's pockets, and watched carefully for the source. I witnessed three creatures coming in my direction. Two I recognized immediately as mortals, they did not usually come this deep into my part of the forest, but occasionally they would. The third one gave me some pause though, I noticed he seemed to walk stiffly as if his knees were useless.

"Why would they be all the way out here?" asked the female. She had blonde hair and a light blue jacket with tears across the arms. "And you say that this one is powerful?"

The third one nodded, his curly hair bouncing along with the movement. "Yes, quite powerful. About as powerful as Percy or Thalia even," he answered. "And how should I know why he's out so far? I just sense them, I don't get explanations."

"Well, we had best find them fast to make sure that the monsters chasing us don't get to them first," commented the male. He had dark unkempt hair and similar clothes to the female.

Monsters? I knew that term, but I had not heard any mortal use it before. I scanned what little I could of the landscape from my vantage point, but did not spot any movement.

They continued to come closer to where I was perched, making me feel increasingly uneasy. I held my breath and remained completely still.

"You've done your part, Grover, now it's our turn. Percy, you check the trees, while I search the tall grass," said the female. She called out in a loud voice. "Hello!"

I gulped. They were certain to find me soon if I did not act quickly. I quietly began to edge my way farther up the tree, while the travelers below began looking this way and that.

"Hello? Is anyone around here?" I stiffened in my spot, trying not to make a sound as the female's voice echoed through the trees, causing the birds to take flight. A moment later she called out again. "We're not here to hurt you, we're friends!"

Friends? That was a word that had not pertained to me in a long time.

Finally, I reached the top of the tree, making it impossible for me to see the group through the thick foliage but hopefully, it was the same case for them as well.

As I stood there, I continued to overhear their conversation, the crippled mortal saying that the demigod was certainly somewhere close by. I could not help but wonder what a demigod could possibly be. A bird, maybe? It must have been extremely rare for I had never heard any other mortal refer to one before.

The intruders soon left without any luck in finding their target. A deep sense of calm passed over me when the birds took up their song again, signaling the mortals' departure. This small clearing had been my home my entire life. It was the one place I had ever felt some sense of belonging to.

Deciding to take a respite from my craft, I climbed down from the tree and began to stroll away from the clearing to look for food when I heard the voices returning. I ran through the tall grass, turning south where travelers scarcely journeyed.

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