23: Ian

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Cora screamed a blood curdling scream.

It was clear that Jake was dead, his eyes were open and he had stop trembling. At this point I was crying too, as was everyone else and it occurred to me that nobody had looked to see who the shooter was. I was too nervous right then, and buried my head in Nick's shoulder.

Cora screamed again, making me flinch at the noise, and I really wanted to hug her. Yes me, the person who hates pretty much everyone and everything, wants to hug somebody who he only me a few days ago.

I really want to look at the shooter. I know they are still there, there were no footsteps after the shot besides Cora's. And I feel as though I need to look. I have to look. I will look. And when I do, I am shocked by what I see.


She is standing there, gun by her side, and with a smirk on her face. I can't believe this. I cannot believe this. I let go of Nick who drops to the floor immediately after, and use the fact that she is not looking at me to my advantage.

"You bitch!" I scream as I raise my hand and shoot my light at her. My light, containing the power of my whole family, living and dead, as she goes flying across this great hall and into the wall at the other end.

I storm over as I say, "How dare you kill one of my only friends, how dare you kill my boyfriend's brother, and how dare you do that wile I am present!"

I reach her at the end of the hall and smack her right across the face. Blood pours out of her mouth and into her yellow shirt.I never knew I was that strong.

"Fuck you," she says, spitting blood at me, "He deserved to die,"

"Nobody deserves to die," Cora says as she comes up next to me, "Nobody but you."

She punches her former best friend square in the chest, ripping out her heart and squeezing the blood on Tara's face.

Tara was dead. Jake was dead. I'm sure now that Cora will be dead inside for a wile, what with killing her best friend who killed the man she loved. Nick too, but I will be there for both of them. After this, I think they will really need me to be there, because they are family, and family means forever.

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