13: Ian

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We have gone inside now, out of the rain we were just kissing in. Wow. We were really kissing in the rain. We were really kissing. Not like we didn't kiss before. But he ran away last time. He didn't this time. He just stood up and took my hand like normal and we walked inside. I don't really understand what this means, if anything, but I don't really care.

Beatrice and Tommy were in the dinning room when we walked through, acting like they weren't just making out. They are such bad fakers.... We walk past them into the kitchen shaking our heads. I already know Nick is going to make hot coco, he practically lives off the stuff. For his birthday once, I got him at least 7 boxes and he was the happiest person you have ever seen.

He grabs 2 mugs, fills them with water, and puts them in the microwave to heat up. Then he just looks at me, awkward silence filling the room. I'm not sure what to say. I'm usually not. I'm just really awkward in these types of situations. In most types, really.

We stay staring at eachother for almost 2 minutes but both jump when the microwave goes off in 3 really loud beeps. I nearly fall over but laugh it off like I didn't almost die. He just smiles. Why is he smiling? Oh my God, this is getting scary. He stops staring to put the hot coco powder in the water and mix it. Once done, he hands me my mug.

"Thank you." I say as I take a sip to avoid talking anymore than I have to. He continues to stare. Fuck trying to stay quiet, "Why do you keep staring at me?" I shout at him. I didn't intend to really yell, it just came out wrong.

This just makes him smile more and say, "Because, Ian, I don't know what I am right now; gay, straight, anything inbetween. I don't care though, because all that matters right now, is that I am here, " he takes a step twords me and I freeze. That was random. Random is something I love about him. He continues, "With you."

My heart practically melts. I have had a crush on him since we were kids. And finally, after years of lusting after a straight guy, he finally likes me back. I'm not sure if this is a dream or if it's real. Right now, I don't care.

I set my cup down and smash my lips against Nick's. He doesn't hesitate to kiss back. My arms snake up around his neck wile his are around my waist. He backs me against a counter and lifts me as if I was light as a feather onto it. I wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him closer to deepen the kiss we haven't broken since it started.

But everyone needs air eventually.

We break away, panting like animals, and just stare at eachother. I have never done anything that brave in my life. Just the fact that I didn't freeze the 1st time we kissed was a miracle. But now initiating the kiss? That was unheard of before. Really, I had only ever been kissed once before, and that was on a dare in 6th grade. It was with Holly Bidders and she tasted like old feet. Don't ask how I know what that tastes like, you'll be sorry.

I just can't help myself. I kiss him again, this time softer, yet more intense. But every good thing just has to be ruined for me, doesn't it? Foot steps are heard but we don't care at the moment and just keep kissing.

We hear a gasp.

We then break away to see who had caught us. Shit. Tommy and Beatrice stand in the door way, dripping wet, Beatrice looking confused as fuck, and Tommy seeming to have and 'ah ha!' moment, "Sorry, um, didn't mean to interupt anything." Tommy says as he tugs Beatrice away.

I probably wouldn't have cared if it was anybody else. I'm not worried bout them finding out I'm gay. More about them finding out about Nick. What if he doesn't want to come out yet? What if he runs away again? Tommy was his best friend when he was younger...

He doesn't, though. He just looks at me and smiles.

"Wait, so you're not upset that they know now?" I ask.

"No. If this is who I really am then I won't hide it. I want to embrace my true self." He says simply. I have always loved the way he looked at everything. He is so straight forward and always thinks through everything to make the best solution possible.

I lean forward and hug him as tight as I can. He hugs back, at the same time lifts me off the counter. We then walk upstairs and to our separate rooms. I wish we could both go to my room, but baby steps. I don't know what has gotten into me lately...


In the morning I get up more happy than normal. Usually, I would wake up kind of depressed because I haven't seen my family in so long. I really miss them and I always dream of them. I came up to the clouds when I was 7, now I'm 18. That's a long, long time...

But right now I am happy. So, so very happy because I finally like somebody who likes me back and I kissed him yesterday! I kissed him. I Never thought I would come anywhere near kissing anybody ever, let alone him. And he was way better than Holly Bidders. Way better. Not just because he's a guy.

I get up, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and get dressed in my favorite jeans and a t-shirt. I start to walk down to breakfast but an arm grabs mine just as I lock my door. The hand is familiar. "Hey Nick!" I say a little too happy. I would correct myself but can't seem to find the words because our eyes lock and I'm put in a trance.

He's just so beautiful.

He leans down and kisses me unexpectedly. I kiss back and wrap my arms behind his neck, bringing him closer to deepen the kiss. I then hear a coughing noise, obviously fake and meant to break us up. We stop kissing to see Beatrice and her bitchy self looking at us in disgust.

"Fuck off, Bea. " Nick says as he kisses me one last time. He entwined his hand with mine and we walk down stairs to breakfast.

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