9: Cora

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"Where did Nick and Ian go?" I ask and Jake shrugs. They must have left a few minutes ago and we didn't notice. We stayed back to eat.

"They must have been tired, gone to bed." He says as he finishes off his pizza. "We should probably go to sleep too. It will be a long day tomorrow trying to find your powers." We both do huge dramatic nods and laugh when we hit heads. He takes my hand and leads me up the stairs. As we go I hold the rail with my free hand but still manage to fall, being caught by Jake. He helps me up, and I am pushed up against his chest and we look into eachother's eyes.

I can't help but kiss him.

Our lips smash together and it hurts me a little but I don't care. I really like him. I don't know why I have been denying it this long when I knew since I first layer eyes on him that I wanted him. We continued to kiss until he finally picks me up and and caries me upstairs, and into my room.

"Wait!" I say as he lays me on the bed.

"What, what's wrong?" He asks in utter confusion.

"I just met you. Like just met you. Aren't we rushing this? And I'm a virgin." I sputter out, my face going beat red.

"Hey, we won't do anything you don't want to do. I'm not that kind of guy." He sits me in his lap and hugs me, his arms embracing me and making me feel safe. He squeezes me and that just makes me like him even more.

"Thank you." I say to him turning around and pressing my lips to his again but in a more tender way. I break away and just hug him.

We stay like this for the rest of the night.


I wake up and am immediately happy when I realize that I am in my bed, snuggled up next to the boy I like. I look back over to him and notice that he is awake and smiling. That is the most pretty smile I have ever seen. I think I might be addicted.

"Hey, beautiful." He says as he presses his lips to mine, soft and sweet.

"Hey. So, does this mean your my boyfriend?" I say and he laughs. I stopped myself before I could say anything to embarrass myself.

"Yes. Yes it does. Unless you don't want to be my girlfriend..." I just kiss away his worries and break away with a smile as I get up and go to brush my teeth and use the bathroom. "Where you going?"

"The bathroom. You really can't be clingy already." I say sarcastically.

"I can be a barnicle if I want." He says.

"What the hell is a barnicle?" I say with a laugh. I knew what it was, I just wanted to be difficult.

"I don't even know." He says, smiling.

"Ok well you can look up what a barnicle is wile I go use the bathroom." He nods and I laugh. I walk into the bathroom, do my buisness, and come back out, only to find Jake, on his phone and most likely looking up what a barnicle is.

"A marine crustacean that attached it's self permenently to a surface!" He shouts as he walks over to me, takes my hand, and leads me out of my room and to the kitchen for breakfast.

When we get there, we grab a plate and pile them high with bacon, hash browns, and waffles. We go and sit with an exited looking Tara and an upset looking Ian. "What's wrong, Ian?" Jake asks.

"Nothing." He answers shortly.

"Ok, well then where is Nick?" He asks.

"I don't want to talk about it." He says, keeping his eyes down. Wonder what's behind that... I will find out... Later...

"Ok. Well, Tara, how is your morning?" I ask. She's got to have a nicer answer than Ian. I can tell he's just a little upset, though. He just needs a little space.

"Good, good. I will be training you today, if Nick won't be here." She says with a proud little smile. She loves to do things by herself.

"Ok. Well can I help?" Jake asks with a cute smile.

"Of corce you can!" I say with a kiss. I can already hear Tara in the background, 'awwwwwwww'ing at our cuteness. Are we too cute? Is that a thing? If it wasn't before it sure is now.

"Well well well, Cora's first boyfriend. I never thought I would live to see this day." She says with a smirk.

"Wait a minute, I'm your first boyfriend?" Jake asks and I nod nervously. He just smile and lifts my mouth to his and kisses me, "Well I am honored." He says with a smile. I love that smile.


"Keep trying, Cora, I know you can do it. I think." Jake says as I attempt for the 15th time to catch a rainbow. Yes, catch a rainbow. I know I can't possibly be a light or sun fairy. They basically do the same thing only light fairies don't provide heat to the humans. Only light.

"I can't do it! I am not, and never will be, a light fairy! I just can't!" I yell. But something happened. Something very strange. And now I know exactly what I am.

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