22: Jake

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I fall to the ground hard, hitting my head against the linoleum. I just got shot, didn't I? So why am I not dead and why does this not hurt?

I try to speak but it is difficult an I realize that I can't move. I'm bleeding all over and the only thing I can hear is the souls of Cora screaming and that breaks my heart.

"Jake! No no no no, Jake!" She screams as she rushes over to me with tears streaming down her face. She touches me, though I cannot feel it, and rests her head on my shoulder as she shouts something about how I can't die right now. That's when I realize it;

I'm dying.

I do my best to say, "I love you, Cora," but it comes out slurred and nearly inaudible.

She cries even harder, "I love you too," she says as she kisses my cheek.

The world is getting quite fuzzy and I'm finding it more difficult to keep my eyes open. My breathing is slowing. I'll be dead soon.

"Nick," I rasp out, "I know about you and Ian."

"What?" He says back and I can tell he's crying by the sound of his voice.

"I saw you guys kissing through the slit of your door one day," I pause and cough, " I didn't say anything. But I approve." I try and smile best I can but then remember I can hardly move.

"I love you, bro," he says and he cries, sobs muffled by most likely Ian's shoulder.

"Ian," I say and cough again, "Take care of my brother." And everything becomes dark.

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