20: Nick

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It has been at least 24 hours since I have last seen Jake. What the fuck. Were the hell could he have gone? I have literally looked everywhere and am about to go to Mr. Stephan when Ian runs in and tells me something I didn't expect to hear.

"Molly Walker told me she saw some Dreadwings swoop down and take Jake!" he yells in a panic with worry written all over his face. He looks like he's hyperventilating, his face turning red as he takes huge breaths. He was pacing too until I pulled him into a hug, hoping it will calm him down.

"Motherfuckers," I say under my breath as I pull away and try to start my way to Mr. Stephan's again when Ian stops me.

"Where are you going?" he asks. As if it isn't obvious.

"To Mr. Stephan, he will know what to do." Ian nods and takes my hand as we make the trek across The Clouds to try and save my brother.


"I have been expecting you," Mr. Stephan says when we enter his poorly lit office. He sits with his hands folded behind his mahogany desk and he looks at one of the many watches on his right arm (he has even more on his right) as he says, "And you're right on time."

"Where did the Dreadwings take my brother?" I ask him desperately. He has no reason to help me, I have been a dick to him since I could talk. I met him when I was born and the first thing I did was throw up all over him. I really need him to help though. Ian must be able to tell that I am worried because he squeezes my hand in reassurance. I look over and smile at him. I think I'm in love...

"I suggest looking to my wife," Mr.Stephan says, "She is a special kind of time fairy, more commonly known as a gypsy, and may be able to give you some answers." Just as he finishes his sentence, Clover Herron walks in the room with her dramatic self, though she is quite fabulous.

"I thought I would be needed today," She begins in a thick British accent. She put her hand on her husband's shoulder, "And hello, my husband."

"Hello Clover, please come sit, our daughter's friends need your help." Mr. Stephan says. He smiles at her with love, the most love I have ever seen outside of cheesy romance novels, my secret pleasure.

"Anything for Tara. Where ever could she be?" Clover asks and now that she mentions it, I have not seen Tara in a wile, I wonder what she is up to. Clover then flinches very hard and scares Ian causing him to scream slightly and cling to my arm. His muscles and all tense and I rub his arm to try and get him to calm down.

Clover gets up and grabs my hand, looking up and the ceiling and her eyes roll back in her head. This is really scaring Ian but she has done this before with me. Ian is hiding behind me with his face pressed to the center of my back.

She starts humming rather loudly and then begins talking. She says, "How could you fail me you worthless piece of garbage! You were to abduct her, not fall in love! You will never be my son!" and then she falls to the floor as if she was hit. Her voice wasn't her voice, though, it was gravely and masculine. Mr. Stephan rushes to help her up, as do I, and she seems to be back to herself when she sits up.

"What did you see?" I ask, on the edge of my seat. Ian peaked out from behind my back and was looking as adorable as ever.

"I was seeing what he was seeing, and I spoke what he heard. He was with his father, the king of the Dreadwings, and that's what he said." She answers. What does she mean 'with his father, the king of the Dreadwings'? We have the same dad and we are not Dreadwings.

What is he not telling me?

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