6: Cora

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"What is this?" I ask Nick as I point to a long meatal object.

"Its a broadsword." He answers with a little attitude, as if I shoud know this.

"Sorry for bursting your bubble..." I grumble as Jake laughs from across the room. He and Nick had walked me down to 'The Training Room'.

"Ok. We will start small and work our way to the big stuff." Does he not realize how wrong that souned? Curse my dirty mind.

"Ok." I walk over and pick up a knife, "This is small." And I say this next part with a smirk, "Bet I can guess what else is...."

Jake starts laughing like a witch at my insult to his brother. It wasn't even that funny. I don't even know how big his dick is, let alone care. He just glared at me. He took the knife and put it back and I frowned."You aren't ready for the weapons yet." He says.

"Ok then what will we work on?"

"Self defense." He says with a smirk.

"Ok." I say simply. Little does he know, I have taken multilevel self defense classes and can beat him with one move. Score 1 for Cora.

He gets into position and I look over to a worried Jake. I wink at him and he gets confused but walks over to start our match anyways, "On your marks, get set, go!" He shouts and backs away as we begin fighting. We throw a few punches back and forth to get the feel for how we fight. Nick is stronger, but I have better stances. I am less likely to fall. Good.

As he punches with a back fist, grab his wrist and pull him forward to get him off balence. Then I go behind him and sweep his feet so he falls flat on his face.

Jake starts laughing even harder than I thought possible and tries to help Nick up but is still laughing too hard and just walks away. "I like self defense." I say with a grin.

"You're good." He says, "I think that's enough for the day." He finally gets up and dusts off his clothes. He acts like the fall didn't hurt but I saw right through that.

I nod and walk back over to Jake, "That was really funny, Jake. Can we go back to the house though? I'm really tired." He nods and we walk back to the house, holding hands like always. Wait. How can we even have a 'like always' yet? We litterally met today. Oh well.


"Shut the fuck up you stupid little alarm clock!" I yell as I hit my alarm clock that won't shut up. It finally stops when I realize I can just unplug it. I feel dumb. I look up and see an amused Jake in the doorway. He is wereing a black band T-shirt and blue jeans. He has a lollipop in his mouth and reminds me of a little kid. Not sure why though.

"I see you have quite the mouth on you, Ms. Michaelson." he says in a fake British accent. Wow he just failed so bad. It's still cute. I stand up and start to walk to my bathroom. I stare at the blue haired boy the whole way. That isn't creepy, is it? I don't even know anymore.

I brush my teeth and do my hair, down like usual. After using the bathroom, I walk back into my room and see that Jake is still here, only now he is sitting on my bed, looking through my CD's. "So, what brings you here?" I ask awkwardly to the boy in my room.

"I wanted to show you to breakfast." He says plainly. How sweet of him. If he hadn't offered I'm sure I would have ended up going to his room and asking him to take me anyways.

"Ok, just let me get dressed." I go over to the dresser and pull out my blue tanktop and jean shorts. I turn, look at Jake, and laugh."Wow. Are you really just going to sit there and watch me get dressed? Way to be suttle, Jake." I say with an amused laugh as Jake's face lights up fire truck red in a blush and he quickly scurries out of the room and into the hallway. He is so adorable. I really like adorable.

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