"You're ashamed of him."

"He has blue hair and a lip ring and he will not follow the rules." She countered and then waved her hand around as she shook her head. "Nevermind him, what we need to talk about is the uniform and respect policies in this school."

"It's pointless." I told her and shrugged. "Skip it. I don't want to listen to you blab on about rules that I will end up breaking because they're not for me. Health over school."

"Your health is not affected when regarding school uniform." She said and I took the cardigan off.

"This irritates my skin. I will not wear it today." I said because I had a short sleeved button up on. "I refuse to."

"It's tolerable."

"You're being inconsiderate."

"I will call your parents young lady." She said and I rose my eyebrow at her. "Do not talk back to me."

"Then it's not a conversation, more like you yelling at me." I told her and she grabbed the phone. "Like I care." I scoffed.

"Yes hello, Mr. Hemmings, Mr. Clifford, may you came by for a quick parent/principal/student confrence or is timing bad? Yes. Great! I'll see you soon." She said and I huffed.

Good god save me now.


"Back talking? Out of uniform? What's gotten into you?" Michael asked me as we left the school. Apparently the principal refuses to have me at school if I will continue being a disruption and having this attitude.

"I know you don't have many friends here besides for Jacob, but you need to stop this at once. He's a bad influence and you're not going to be around him. Stop acting up just because you can't see him." Luke told me and I gasped.

"You think I'm doing this because of him?" I asked in disbelief. "Why is everything about him? Why does everyone associate what I do with him?" I asked and they looked at me confused. "Oh, his attitude rubbed off on you. Oh, you're acting like Jacob. Oh, he would do this. Oh, he wouldn't do this." I mocked.

"Well you're the one who talked to him and hung out with him." Michael said sarcastically and I scoffed. "Now, get in the car. We're having a long chat about your behavior lately and what we're going to do about it."

"Great. Feels like some movie." I said as I opened the car door harder than necessary. I slammed it shut and Luke glared at me.

"Don't take your frustrations out on my baby." He said and got in. "You'll break my car."

"Cares more about a car than someone else's feelings, nice Luke." I said and he rolled his eyes as he started the car. I buckled up and then closed my eyes.

It was silent in the car. They didn't make an effort to turn the radio on or to even start up a conversation. I didn't even hear the kisses they'd try so hard to make me hear, just so I could laugh at it or mimic them.

I sighed and hummed along to the song Jacob loved so much. It was stuck in my head and I didn't like how I could always hear it in my mind. "It's like an avalanche, I feel myself go under."


"Cause the weight of its like hands around my neck," I sang louder, just to irritate Michael. He turned around and glared at me.

"Where did you even hear that song?"

"It's one of Jacob's favorites. You want to know another one of his favorite songs?" I asked and he shook his head. "Well I'm gonna tell you because I know that you know that song."

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