A Fearless Brunet

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Hey Guys :) so this chapter is really not the best thing ever why? Because well I had a really busy cose I started to draw again and creating covers in my computer a thing that I stopped doing years ago and I realized how much I loved that and how much I missed it. And I was going to Jornalism in college but I decided to change to Graphic Design and well huge change had to talk with my parents and yeah busy all weekend.

OMG ONLY MORE FIFTEEN CHAPTERS :O Should I do a sequel? Not sure anyway I'm starting a 5SOS fan fic. Totally different. Please take a look xxxx

Gif: A thing to congrat you guys for being such an amazing readers :) Yes I totally understand if you need your time for your ovaries to recover.

Music: Read All About it by Emeli Sandé (Acappela- Piano)

30 votes and I'll post the next chapter xxxx


He was here. He came all the way from Japan to be with me. I separate our lips and press my forehead against his. I was literally without air. I close my eyes letting even more tears role down my face.

“Why are you here?” My voice was a whisper. I was weak… I haven’t eat that much lately and I really didn’t have that much of strength. Niall kissed my forehead and hugged me once more.

“ Jane called me and told me you were gone. You have no idea how worried I was. God I missed you Alexia.” He starts to play with the end of my hair. I smile against his neck, this was a habit of his that I missed so much.

“After all I did to you; you still came. Why?” I lift my face from his neck and look at him waiting for his answer. This was new to me, I thought I’ve lost him. For good.

“Because… I know it’s hard for you to believe but I care too much for you to leave you alone when you are going to so many things. Can’t you see it Alexia? You are important for me too. God you’re the most important person in my life. I-i lo-” His phone starts ringing interrupting him. He growls in frustration and takes his phone out of his pocket. Once he looks at the screen he passes me the phone. I take it unsure of why is he giving me his phone.


“Sofia? Sofia is that you? Oh God he did find you didn’t he? I knew he would! I should really be a fortuneteller! I have this sixth sense you know?” Jane’s excited voice made me smile a bit. That girl never knew when to be calm.

“Uhm Jane you needed anything?”

“Oh right sorry. How are you baby? I know this is basically the worst timing but I think you might be in trouble.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well a angry Mr. Jonathan called me fifteen minutes ago asking where were you and I was sleeping and I just started swearing and told him to get the fuck away from your life. I’m sorry it was a bad decision I know.”

“What? Fuck.” I start packing my bag and turning on my phone. I had to see him immediately otherwise he would be even more upset with me once he found me. “I’m going to the agency headquarters immediately. I’ll call you later bye.” I turn the call off and give the phone back to Niall. I pick up my Harley keys and turn myself to the door completely forgetting Niall’s existence.

“Where are you going?” He asked making his way to me.

“I have to go the agency. Something happened. Stay here this is the safest place you can be. Once your killer knows you’re suddenly back here he’ll come looking for you. I promise to come back in a hour or so.” I give him a small peck in the cheek and turn myself around but he catches my arm and pulls me to his chest kissing my lips instead. My hand finds it way towards his neck and pulls him even closer, if that was even possible. I pull myself apart from him trying to catch my breath. My God why does he always have to leave me breathless?

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