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Hey guys sorry this is small but I think this chapter should end like this. xxxx Please give me your opinion


Song: Give me Love by Ed Sheeran

Picture of Luke Brooks...

Alexia’s POV

It’s been five days. Five fucking horrible days since my fight with Niall. As much as want to admit that I’m not upset it’s useless. I hate not talking to him. The most that we’ve talked was ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’. He’s leaving tomorrow to Japan. I asked if Austin could go there under covered but he said he was still recovering from his last mission. The agency decided to send some fifty-year-old guy and pretend his Paul’s substitute. Niall is packing in his room right now and I’m trying so hard not to go there and talk to him. But that’s not me! I don’t ‘talk’ I don’t ‘try to make things right again’. A person can’t change from day to night. It’s impossible. I decide to have a glass of water just to calm down a bit but when I realized where I was Niall was already opening his bedroom. The things you can do when you’re in your own personal thoughts.

“You need anything?” He at first was surprised to see me but then he just wore back the same mask we’ve been using lately. The cold one. “Alexia? I asked if you need anything?”

“I uhh… No I got the wrong door.” I turned myself away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me so I was facing him again.

“Why? Please just tell me the real reason.” I remained silenced. This was the talk I wanted to avoid. I don’t do this! I don’t have this kind of talks.

“I already told you I’m not like that. And people don’t change that easily.”

“They do Alexia! They fucking do! That’s called being human!”

“Yeah well I’m not like that Niall! I don’t simply change!”

“I know that’s not the only reason. Were you not happy?” Hurt flushed through his eyes.

“We are not having this conversation Niall.” I tried to get away but he just turned me again.

“Just please tell me and I’ll leave you alone.”

“It’s not that I wasn’t happy Niall. But I was getting distracted because I was putting my happiness in front of your safety. I’m sorry but I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to put you in danger anymore.”

“Did you like me?” YES I FUCKING DID. AND I STILL DO.

“This conversation is over!” I yelled. I ran downstairs and grabbed my Harley’s keys. I could stand staying in the same house with Niall. It was too stressing. I honestly don’t think I can handle this mission anymore. I’ve never quit a mission but I honestly think that it’s time to do so.


“Alexia? Alexia are you hearing me?” Eleanor asked me looking at the back sit I was sitting on.

“I’m sorry what were you saying El?”

“I was asking you if you need anything while the boys are gone don’t hesitate on calling any of us aye hun?”

“Oh yeah don’t worry about me El. I have some work to do I’ll probably won’t get out of the house anyways. Thank you though.” We were on our way to the airport. Louis was driving with Eleanor on his side while Niall and me were both in the back. We haven’t spoke since last night, the atmosphere was really heavy.

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