Let's know each other aye?

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HELOO FELLOW CITIZENS OF THE EARTH :P Sorry for the late update but I'm feeling so depressed :'( I didn't like the other chapter and I well this one I do like it because it's sweet but too small...but I didn't want tou make you guys wait a lot more... I'll try to write more tomorrow sorry guys it's just that I'm kinda depressed... anyways hope you guys like this chapter... 

The song is Thousand Years by Christina Perri.

Picture of Niall because I couldn't resist he is so cute in this picture( let's face it he is always cute but you know what I mean).

p.s I'll put on the comments the link to Secrets Trailer... xxx and I'll put it on the Prologue cose it doesnt have a video...

Please vote, comment and fan...

Peace, Love rubber gloves



Niall’s POV


Knock knock

“Come in…” She’s been sleeping on the guest room for two days now and I feel…lonely… I got used to her crawling in the middle of the night to me… So she knocking on my door give me hope that maybe she will come back to our room. I don’t know what my feelings are to her… I can’t like her… I like Elmo. But I feel so good when I’m with her… Just thinking about her puts a smile in my face… But this can’t be love… or could it be?

“Uhm sorry to interrupt you Niall… I need to know where’s the lake house…I need to go there and arrange the vigilance equipment and all that…” She just stood supporting her body on the door… She looks pretty like always…I wonder if she thinks about that kiss like I do… The moment she said to forget what happened I felt sad… Because I…I enjoyed it… What am I even thinking, this is only messed feelings. Niall you love Elmo and that means that you don’t like anyone else! Or have a crush on someone.

“You can’t go alone…” She smiles and sits next to me in my bed. No. Our bed. My whole body shivers. I can’t control it, she has this effect on me.

“No offense Niall but I think you’re tennis racket won’t protect us that much against a trained person…” I chuckle and look in her deep blue eyes. They are so beautiful. They make me feel so free. Like I can be myself with her. Just like Elmo made me feel. Her face is turning bright red, I smile knowing that I can make her blush. “So uhm…those coordinates?” I stand up and hold my hand to her. She looks at me like I’m crazy but accepts it.

“I’ll go with you… And besides the lake house hasn’t been used since summer vacation… I’m pretty sure we will need cleaning tools…”

A hour later…


“Are you sure we are on the right road?”

“Alex we own this house for two years now… I think I know the way…” I chuckle and look at her…

“Don’t take your eyes of the road!”

“Wait… are you afraid?” I say containing my laugh.

“Let’s just say that cars are not my thing…” I form a huge grin without even noticing. “Oh no, don’t even think about that Horan!” I start driving on zig zags like a snake. “OH GOD STOP! I THINK I’M GETTING SICK!” I laugh at her reaction but stop and drive normally.

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