Hi I'm you're daughter in law

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Ok Guys hello :D So I have a contest. I decided that once in a while I would to this since there are lots of good writers there and everyone deserves a shout out :D

So Todays Contest is:

As you all now or may have figured it out, Niall is planning a massive date for Alexia that will be on the next chapter. I will divide the date in 2 chapters loves <3 It wil have 5 stops so the contest is give your most romantic ideas for a date and the best 2 will: 1- Be on the story. 2- Have a shout out on the chapter. 3- I will put the winners names on my profile description until next contest. 4- I'll read, vote, comment and give my opinion (the good and the bad things) and put the story in my reading list(if  really like it I'll probably put it in the "perfections" one. 5- The winners will have a shout out on Twitter, Ask, Wattpad, Facebook and Instagram. :) I really love helping people so that is why I decided to do this and besides it's a fun way to see peoples opinions :D You may give your ideas until this Sunday (17-02-2013). And I wil announce the winner on my profile on next Tuesday (19-02-2013). p.s There will be a panel of "judges" deciding the best two ideas it won't be just me so please don't be mad if you don't get to win. I'll be doing things like this loads of times. p.s.s even if your stories aren't fan fictions I'll still do shoutouts.

Back to the Story

I really liked writing this chapter :) It may be on my favorite list. I tried a new thing that it was be Niall for a day. Let's see how it goes if I get good feed I'll do it more often... 

Gift of Niall (Ovaries exploding I know)

Music - Daylight by Maroon 5 (btw if you saw the grammys omg don't you think that the version of Girl on Fire and Daylight was the most Amazing thing ever? I wish it was avaible on Itunes. And Taylor's move? Really Really immature. Tsc tsc I was starting to like her again but she lost all my consideration with what she did. But I still like her songs :p #NoHateSwifties.)

Peace, love, rubber gloves

xxxSxxx <3<3


 Alexia's POV

I woke up to the sound of Niall's phone ringing. We were both lying on my hospital, it was a bit uncomfortable but I didn't want Niall to leave me so I didn't say anything. After some funny Irish swearing he finally took his phone from the bedside table and answer it.

"What?" Oh God he's sleepy voice was so sexy. He rubbed he sleepy eyes while listening to whoever was calling him. “Wait you mean now? I still need to go home to at least take a shower. And eat something. Where do you think I am? At the hospital of course.” He looked at me with his warm smile. I just love it, it’s so pure and real it makes my whole body shiver. “Harry’s says yellow.”

“Tell him I said orange.”

“I’m surrounded by weirdos. Harry I still need to take a good shower and brush my teeth. Can’t you just ask her to delay it just for a couple of hours… I know… I know Harry… It’s just- Fine I’ll be there in a few. Bye.” He turned the call off and took a deep loud breath. He looked at me with a sorry look. He had to leave again. “I’m sorry I have to meet Harry, can I call Jane? To stay here with you?”

Secrets ( A Niall Horan Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now