twenty-seven: year two

Start from the beginning

"Here I was thinking you just enjoyed the pleasure of my company. And to answer your question, no. I haven't found him yet. He was very effective in his disappearance... but I did find out that he had the twins on March 17th." Zayn stops typing, adjusting his phone and turning his complete attention towards the conversation. Zayn knew that the twins had been born, he'd figured that out himself quite some time ago... but he didn't know exactly when.


"You're the proud father of two boys. Nathan Gabriel was born first, lucky 11:11 baby. Very cute. Ethan Nicolas was born a minute later. Congrats Malik."

"Do you have pictures?"

"No, that would require me knowing where exactly Louis is. I'm guessing somewhere close though, he kept going to the same hospital for all of his appointments."

"Find him."

"Will do, boss."



"No, ow Nate that hurts..." Louis whined, pulling Nathan's hand from his hair. The four month old baby had gotten a hold of his hair while he joined the twins on the floor for tummy time. Louis should've expected it, the twins were getting very grabby lately.

"You need a hair cut." Harry says, walking into the room with a juice box in hand. Louis glared up at his friend, shaking his head as he does so.

"You're one to talk. Did you get a modeling gig for a shampoo commercial Harry?" Louis retorts, continuing to glare at Harry even when he flips his hair.

"Do you feel overwhelmed by my hair, Louis?"





"Happy anniversary..." Zayn whispers to himself, looking at a picture of Louis from their engagement party. He raises a glass, clinking it against the computer screen before downing its entire contents.



"Baby, you're a silly baby!" Louis coos, scooping Ethan up off the floor as the small baby reaches to grab the pillow off the couch. Louis nuzzled his nose with Ethan's, earning a string of giggles from him before he starts to grab at Louis' face.

"Ow! Nathan, stop it!" Harry whines from the next room, earning an eye roll from Louis as he already knew what was happening. Nathan liked pulling on hair, especially Harry's.

"Your brother is silly." Louis says quietly, earning another fit of giggles from Ethan which Louis took was him agreeing.



"Hey, watch it!" Zayn yelled when someone ran into him, nearly making him spill his coffee.

"Shit, I am so sorry." A young man says, brushing Zayn's jacket as he tried to apologize. Zayn was having none of it, continuing to glare at the young man.

"Watch where you're going." Zayn grumbles, already pushing past the young man.

"You're the one who ran into me, jackass." The man calls after Zayn, making the other man turn back around towards him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Maybe you're the one who needs to watch it."

"What's your name?"




"No, Ethan. You're not supposed to get into stuff, silly baby." Louis says, shaking his head as he walks into the kitchen. He'd watched the eight month old baby crawl into the kitchen and just as he thought, Ethan was in the cupboard with the pots and pans. He giggled as he looks up at Louis, playing with a lid he'd found. Louis shakes his head fondly before picking up the baby, kissing his cheek as he does so. He felt a tugging on his pants not even a moment later, making the young man look down at his feet. Nathan was looking up at Louis expectantly and Louis knew exactly what he wanted. With much difficultly, Louis bent back down and picked up Nathan as well.

"Ma." Nathan squeals when Louis kissed his cheek, making Louis smile happily.

He loved his babies.



"So is this how you normally spend Christmas? Standing out in the snow staring into the distance?" Robbie asks, quirking an eyebrow at Zayn.

"No, I just thought I saw something... It's not a big deal." Zayn says, shaking off the snow in his hair before looking at Robbie.

"Alright, whatever you say. Now are we going to your place tonight, or not?" Robbie asks, kicking the snow off his shoes before looking at Zayn again.

"Yeah... Sorry. Let's go."



"Ma!" Nathan shrieks from Louis' feet while Ethan looks down at his older brother. Louis is alone today, Harry having gone back home for the weekend to visit his family. Louis didn't mind though, he enjoyed his time with the boys. They were getting so big and Louis couldn't be prouder. They were beginning to look more like Zayn than him now, which made Louis wonder if he'd made the right choice in not letting Zayn be apart of their lives. He had thought about calling Zayn and telling him about the twins several times over the past few months... but he never had the courage to pick up the phone and dial the number.

"Ma!" Nathan shrieks again, practically climbing up Louis' leg. Louis sighs before just sitting down on the ground. He didn't have the energy to hold both of the boys right now, running on only three hours of sleep. Ethan had been up all night with a fever and he was just now getting better.

"Ma." Nathan is quiet now, climbing into Louis' lap and sitting next to his brother.



"I'm sorry, run that by me again?" Zayn says, standing in the kitchen as Robbie takes a sip of his hot chocolate. The two had just gotten back from going ice skating when the private investigator Zayn had hired a month ago called him.

"I found them. They're staying at your father's country home in Yorkshire. I emailed you some pictures. Those kids look almost exactly like you."



"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Ethan and Nathan, happy birthday to you." Everyone in the room sang, erupting into a round of applause as the two little babies dug into their birthday cake. Louis was taking pictures, unable to stop smiling as he does so. There was a knock at the door though, taking Louis' attention from the twins and towards the front door. He hands Harry his phone before going to answer it, his smile fading when he sees who it is.






anyways, instead of three jump forward chapters.. I'm only doing two.

The twins are in the multimedia.

Such cute babies. I cry.


my fave comment gets the dedication!




Connie xx

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