eight: the consequences

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eight: the consequences

Two hours later, Liam sat in a room with not only his step-father but his step-brother as well. Liam was a little smug with how Zayn's face already had a dark bruise forming, but he knew better than to show that around their father. Zayn was completely silent, picking at the ends of his suit jacket as he kept thinking about his conversation with Louis.

"You know... I actually thought you'd grow up and take responsibility for once in your life." Zayn shakes his head, mainly due to the fact that Louis was wrong. Zayn was responsible. He ran a multi-million dollar company entirely by himself. Liam was about as helpful as a baby... Baby.


"Do you boys know why I called you in here?" Yaser asks, leaning forward onto his desk as he waits for an answer. Neither of the boys said anything, looking anywhere but at Yaser. Yaser sighs, running a hand over his face before shaking his head.

"This is ridiculous. You're both supposed to be grown ass men, and here you are acting like children. Liam, why did you hit your brother?"

"One, he's not my brother. Two, he's a dick." Liam shrugs, earning a look from Yaser but he didn't care.

"Liam, if you'd just let me ex-" Zayn starts, feeling like he deserved the chance to explain himself.

"Oh, you want to explain? You want to explain how you got my best friend pregnant? You wanna explain that?!" Liam nearly growls, standing up from his chair and getting ready to hit Zayn again. Zayn got up from his chair as well, holding his hands up as if he was surrendering.

"Look, you need to hear my side of the story!" Zayn shouts.

"I don't need to hear anything from you!" Liam shouts back and the two boys start yelling at each other. Yaser only watches for a moment, growing tired of it rather quickly.

"Both of you shut the hell up and sit down!" Yaser yells over the both of them, slamming his hands down on his desk as he stands up. Liam and Zayn fall silent instantly, looking at their father with wide eyes. They both sit down, knowing better than to disobey. Yaser takes a deep breath before following suit, his glare now directed towards Zayn. Zayn shrinks back in his chair, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Now, which one of you are going to tell me what's going on?" Yaser asks calmly, but it didn't help the uneasy feeling in Zayn.

"It's not that big of a d-" Zayn starts, only to be interrupted by Liam.

"He got Louis pregnant." Liam says, earning nothing more than a glare from Zayn. LIam didn't care though, Yaser needed to know how big of a tool his son was. Yaser lets out another sigh, breathing out through his nose as he continues to look at Zayn.

"Liam, I'd like to talk to Zayn. Alone." Yaser says after a minute and Liam didn't need to be told twice. He stood up from the chair and walked right out of the room, leaving Zayn alone with his father. It stayed quiet for what felt like the longest time, the silence was driving Zayn crazy. Yaser lets out another breath, closing his eyes before touching his fingers to his chin.

"Would you like to explain yourself?" Yaser asks, finally breaking the silence.

"What's there to explain? Louis' pregnant." Zayn says, shrugging like it was no big deal.

"As I keep hearing. That doesn't answer my question though."

"It's not my kid."

"And you're sure about that?" Yaser arches an eyebrow at Zayn, clearly knowing that his son was lying. Yaser knew Zayn like the back of his hand, whether that was a good thing or not he didn't know.

"It's not like he had proof that it's mine." Zayn says, but deep down he knew. Louis wouldn't just come into his office and tell Zayn that he was pregnant... unless it was Zayn's kid. Louis hated him, so why would he make that shit up?

"Now give me one good reason why he would tell you?" Yaser's voice was still calm and Zayn wasn't sure why it bothered him so much that it was... Shouldn't he be yelling? Shouldn't he be telling Zayn that he was an idiot? Why was he so goddamn calm with all of it?

"Because.... I don't know." Zayn says after a minute, honestly not knowing. Yaser nods, leaning back in his chair as he continues to look at Zayn.

"I can honestly say I'm disappointed in you, Zayn." Yaser says, earning a small nod from Zayn.

"I know... I f ucked up."

"I agree, but you're going to fix this."


"You're going to marry Louis and grow up." Yaser shrugs, offering the solution but that didn't mean Zayn was okay with it.

"No way. No way in hell am I marrying Louis f ucking Tomlinson." Zayn says, shaking his head and looking at his father in complete disbelief.

"Then I guess I have no choice but to cut you off. I'm offering you a chance, Zayn. You can either grow up and accept responsibility, or I'll cut you off from your inheritance... the company... everything."

"That's hardly fair." Zayn tries to argue, but Yaser just shook his head.

"Those are my terms, now all you have to do is make a decision. I'll give you a few days to think it over, but I'm finished with this conversation as of now." Yaser says, turning his attention to the papers on his desk. Zayn wants to keep arguing, plead his case but he knew better than to do so. Zayn stands up and walks out of the room. Liam is still sitting outside the room, a smug look on his face as the older of the two walks by. Zayn can only glare at Liam, unable to find any words to insult his step-brother. Liam doesn't refrain though, his smile still on his face as he speaks.

"I guess someone's learned that there's consequences for being a dick."


As promised, here's a double update :)

I miss doing that haha.

Maybe I'll get back in the habit. Who knows!

But I personally loved this chapter. I don't know why haha




Connie xx

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