eleven: the picture worth a thousand words

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eleven: the picture worth a thousand words

The next morning Louis is woken up by the sound of his phone going off. The nineteen year old boy let out a groan before blindly looking for it, grimacing when he finally did. Harry's name flashed across the screen and Louis figured he should probably answer it.

"Hey Harry." Louis answers, rubbing at his eyes as he lays back down on his pillow.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?! I've called you like twenty times." Harry nearly shouts at Louis, making him flinch a little. It was too early to be dealing with this, why was Harry even calling?

"Sorry Mum, I was sleeping." Louis says, already not in the mood to deal with anyone today. Harry lets out a sigh and Louis could just picture him shaking his head.

"Whatever. I'm not your mum." Harry says, his voice somewhat bitter. Louis chuckles a little, closing his eyes in hopes that maybe he'll get a few more moments of sleep while Harry talks his ear off.

"So why'd you call me at this ungodly hour?" Louis asks, taking in a deep breath.

"Well... I was really bored the morning so I got on my computer... Guess what the first thing to pop up was..."

"Gay porn?"

"No. If I wanted to see that I'd just go to Liam's office." Harry says, disgust clear in his voice. Louis chuckled a little, knowing exactly what Harry meant.

"Then what did you see?" Louis asks, smiling softly. He was in a good mood, which was a little surprising.

"Apparently you and Zayn are dating." Harry says quietly. Louis sat up at that point, a confused expression on his face.


"Yeah... There's a picture of the two of you... You're like kissing and shit. I mean damn Lou, I would've liked to know." Harry playfully scolds, hoping to lighten to mood as he knew that Louis was probably freaking out.

"F uck." Louis says, biting his bottom lip as he closes his eyes. He had seen a flash last night, but he had thought nothing of it at the time.

"What were you even doing with him anyways?" Harry asks, but Louis was a little too preoccupied to pay attention. He was going to kill Zayn.

"Lou?" Harry tries again, suddenly feeling worried for Louis. Maybe he should've told Louis in person... That way when he freaked out, he could've been there to help him.

"He wanted to talk, so I met up with him. His dad found out, and I guess he's cutting Zayn off unless we get married or something. I told him no and he tried to convince me to change my mind. He f ucking kissed me, and I guess he knew there was a stupid ass photographer. He's such a dick." Louis says, shaking his head in disbelief. Louis runs a hand through his hair before getting out of bed. Louis walks over to his desk and turns on his computer. Harry is talking about something on the other end, but Louis was too preoccupied to care at the moment. He couldn't believe Zayn. It was only a moment before he saw what Harry was talking about, the image making Louis angry. Louis knew better than to click on the article, but he did it anyways.

"Everyone across the country knows about Britain's hottest bachelor Zayn Malik, but no one would've guessed he swung for the same team. Pictured above is Zayn kissing none other than childhood friend Louis Tomlinson. Our sources say that Tomlinson has been seen with Zayn several times over the past few months, and we are lead to believe that the two started seeing each other back in May. Is Zayn officially off the market? Well that's just the question everyone wants answered! Luckily for us, we scored an interview with the man in question. Stay tuned for more!"

"I'm going to f ucking kill him." Louis whispers, completely forgetting that he was on the phone with Harry.

"I'm guessing you read the article?" Harry asks quietly, biting his bottom lip.

"He's going to f ucking tell them we're dating. I know he is." Louis says, really trying hard not to yell. He walked over to his closet, grabbing the first shirt he saw along with a pair of pants.

"You don't know that Lou... Maybe he'll surprise you." Harry finds himself saying, hoping that he could get Louis to calm down before he did something stupid.

"I highly doubt it." Louis says bitterly, pulling on his clothes before walking downstairs. Johannah was nowhere to be seen, and right now Louis was grateful for that.

"I gotta go Harry."

"What? Why?"

"I'm going to kick Zayn's ass." Louis says, hanging up on Harry before he even had the chance to protest. Louis gets in his car and drives directly to where Zayn's office was located. He didn't even bother properly parking his car, almost running straight into the building. He rides the elevator to the top floor, walking right past Lisa and to Zayn's office. He can hear Lisa yelling after him, telling him that he wasn't allowed in there. Louis doesn't care, barging into Zayn's office more than prepared to kick the older boy's ass. He stops in his tracks though when he sees someone sitting in front of Zayn at his desk.

"Louis, I'm so glad you're here." Zayn says, his tone a little too excited. Louis knew it was all for show though, Zayn was shooting daggers with his eyes.

"What's this?" Louis asks, already having a faint idea though.

"This is Charlotte, she's a writer for magazine and she's stopped by to talk about our relationship." Zayn smiles at Louis, making the nineteen year old remember why he'd even came.

"Can I talk to you outside?" Louis asks, matching Zayn's tone.

"Of course. If you'll excuse me for a moment Charlotte." Zayn stands up from his desk and follows Louis out the door.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Louis nearly yells as soon as the door shut behind him.

"My problem?" Zayn asks, arching his eyebrows as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"We aren't dating."

"You're right. We aren't." Louis looks completely taken aback, looking at Zayn in shock. Had Zayn actually agreed with him?


"We're getting married."


Technically, this isn't a double update cause it's almost one in the morning. 

Not that you guys would be upset about a double update lol. 

Double updates are the shit!




Connie xx 

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