Chapter 4: I Get Dating Advice from a Pizza Maker

Start from the beginning

“Beats me man,” I say sarcastically.

He laughs, and we continue to walk down the sidewalk.


We spent the next fifteen minutes just talking about how it was spending a night in jail, and about the murder.

Casey wipes his forehead. “Dude that’s scary. I’d be terrified if I were you.”

“Well according to the cops, they got a tip on who actually committed the murder, so you’re not gonna be reading about me in the papers anytime soon,” I say with a shrug.

 “If you say so bro,” he laughs. “All I know, is if you wake up to a gun in your face don’t be surprised.”

I push him. “Shut up, and let’s just go inside.” He laughs, opening the door for me. Although I know he said it in good fun, that thought still scares me. To wake up only to die, I feel myself shutter. I-

Casey puts a hand on my shoulder interrupting my thoughts. “You alright man?”

 “Y-yeah just a chill,” I say with a weak smile.

He nods in agreement. “Yeah it is pretty cold in here, but enough standing around, let’s get a table.”

Barney’s Pizza Parlor. A very popular hangout among teens, despite the name. It’s basically a Chuck-E-Cheese, but with a different name to avoid liability issues or whatever. Same concept really, a prize wall that no one uses in the back, arcade games blaring music everywhere, and-

A kid runs past me pushing me in the process. “Hey watch it!” I glare in his direction. And most importantly the obnoxious kids running around, but then again I really have no room to call anyone else obnoxious.

Casey waves me over to a table, and a girl in her late twenties walks up towards us. “What can I get started for you two gentlemen today?” She asks in a fake peppy voice.

“We’ll just get one large pepperoni pizza please,” he says, flashing her a smile.

She blushes opening her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. We give her a confused look. “Is something wrong?” He asks.

She quickly shakes her head before walking back into the kitchen. Casey shakes his head. “Why does that always happen?”

“I don’t know man,” I say laughing.

“So how are you and Sandy?”

I feel my face drop, and with that the mood as well. He gives me a sympathetic look. “That bad huh?”

“Things could be better,” I say with a sigh. “She hasn’t talked to me in a few days. I don’t know if it’s something I did, or if something’s going on with her.”

“Maybe it’s that time of month,” He says with a straight face.

I feel my face heat up. “It’s definitely not!”

“Alright, alright I get it. It’s just a possibility,” he says waving his hands dismissively.

I scratch the back of my head. It’s definitely not that time. I still remember the last time I asked her that, and I also still remember the bruises. “I don’t know man I just feel something’s wrong with her.”

“Well have you tried asking her?”

“I-I can’t do that?”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s… it’s-“

“The easiest way to do things?” He says, giving me a knowing look.

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