I picked it up and looked at it. "It's terrible, don't do it." He said and I opened it. There were three left in here, and I looked at him. "I was going to buy more but I need up at the park with you."

"I see." I said and closed the pack. "Why do you smoke?" I asked him as he pulled up to Luke and Michael's house.

He parked the car and then looked at me. "The story is for another time, but the central idea is that my life is stressful and I was around bad people." He told me and I nodded.

"I don't want to go in there." I said and played with the lid, flicking it up and down. "They're terrifying when they're angry." I said quietly after he turned the radio all took he way down.

"It'll be okay." He said and tilted my chin up to look at him. "Promise. I'll be here too since I'm probably going to get my ass kicked and my parents called." He told me.

"You didn't do anything." I said and eyed the three cigarettes again. "This is all my fault." I told him.

"Yeah but I didn't take you back home when I should have." He told me and I nodded. "Stop looking at these like that. I don't want you smoking. You'll fuck up your health." He said and took the pack from me. He put them in his jacket's pocket and I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Thank you." I said and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and then the horn went off, causing us to laugh. "You're clumsy."

"How do you know it wasn't your elbow that hit the horn?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Because my elbows are on your shoulders." I said and he nodded. A knock on the window made us quiet and my heart sunk to my stomach.

"We're dead Jacob."

"I know." He said and then turned the car off. "Come on." He said and I opened the door, seeing a furious Luke standing there.

I got out and he grabbed my forearm tightly. "Where the fuck where you last night? We were calling and texting you every second! You had us worried fucking sick." He said and there was a thump.

"I will rip your pathetic little head off if you don't fucking tell me what the hell happened between you and our little girl last night." Michael growled and I gulped as I looked at Luke again.


"I went to the park." I said and he looked at me in disbelief. "I called Jacob and we sat at the park. I was crying and he got out of work and we just sat around singing songs and trying to forget about things." I said.

"That's Jacob?" Luke asked loudly, pointing at the blue haired boy that was nose to nose with Michael. "That's the dude you've been sneaking around with? He has blue hair and a lip ring!"

"You knew what we were doing, I just added a few names." I said and winced as he scoffed. "Don't talk shit though, your boyfriend had blue and green and pink hair before and you have a lipring."

"We're adults! You're children!" He said and I rose an eyebrow at him. "Besides, this isn't about me and Michael, this is about you and that punk over there."

"Be nice!" I said. "He hasn't done anything wrong."

"Uh, yes he has because he knew you ran away but he didn't take you back!" He said and I huffed. "Listen to me young lady, I don't want you ever pulling a fucking stunt like that again, understood? We were up all night and on the verge of calling the police."

"If you don't go around punching people then I won't." I said and he gasped. "I don't want to be around you when you're angry."

"Then don't make me angry!" He yelled and I flinched. "Jesus Katelyn, this isn't a game. You could have died last night or been kidnapped!"

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