She laughs, “Better than she thought. She is shocked that my dad knows us two so well to know what we like.”

I walk over and grab half the boxes of cupcakes while Makenna grabs the rest. When we get to the door, I knock as best as I can with my arms full of cupcakes.

Kimberly opens the door, “Hey take them into the kitchen. I have those cupcake tree things you told me to get. When you are done we are all getting ready in the backyard.”

Once we get into the kitchen it does not take us long to place the cupcakes on the trees and platters she has set out.  We walk towards the doors that lead to her backyard. We wave at Kimberly’s husband Brad when we see him at the end of the hall.

When we walk outside we hear, ‘SURPRISE!’ Looking around we see banners and signs saying, ‘We will miss you!’ and ‘Good luck with the bakery!’ I did not think this party was for Makenna and me. Though thinking about it Kimberly did order Makenna and my favorite cupcakes that we make.

I hear Makenna say, “No wonder we could not think if we forgot someone’s birthday.”

That makes everyone laugh. About an hour, after we got there Kimberly brings out some food, places it buffet style, and places the cupcakes in the middle. The husbands start a cupcake fight sometime later in the night. All the husbands but Makenna and mines but that is because we are not married. Kimberly treats it as a birthday party kind of, because all the girls get us things to us and put up in the bakery.

When we leave, we hug everyone and promise to call or email when we can. Packing the trunk with the gifts we got we head back to our apartment. When we get home I head to the shower, first while Makenna make sure she has everything that she needs packed so we are not trying to hurry tomorrow. When I am done, we switch what we were doing.

Walking into my empty room, I feel like I am trespassing in someone else’s room. Making sure the clothes I plan to wear tomorrow are out and the box that I will be putting my bedding and pillows in tomorrow is out in the open for me. When everything is in place, I walk over to Makenna’s room.

“Do not forget to set your alarm for five in the morning so we can leave by six.” I say.

“I remember. Do you think you can do something for me quick?” She asks.

When I nod she hold out her brush and a ponytail like she normally does when she wants me to braid her hair for her.

Makenna is your normal blonde hair blue eye girl. She is the sweetest girl you can get to know. She does have blonde moments where she will make you want to just slap your forehead. She loves it when I do her hair for her. I think she is still a little kid at heart.

When I finish the braid I say, “Done.”

“Thanks Dez.” She says before climbing into her bed.

“Goodnight Makenna.” I say after I shut off her light on my way out.

Sometimes it feels like I am taking care of my younger sister again but an older version. That makes me think that I should call my grandma and check on her. When my parents died my senior year of high school my grandma made me go to college and said she would take care of my sister until Makenna and I were on our feet and able to come back home and take care of her.

Since it is not too late, I call my grandma.

“Hello Taylor residents.” I smile when I hear my little sister’s voice.

“Hey Jordynn, it’s me.” I say.

“Destinee, when are you planning on getting here by tomorrow?” She asks in a hyperactive voice.

“Sometime in the afternoon. How much sugar has grandma let you have?” I say and ask.

“Well you see…the thing is…umm Leighton and I have had one of the cupcakes we made for you and Makenna to try. We also have been eating a lot of the frosting we have made.” She says giggling like crazy.

My sister and Makenna’s stepsister are friends and love to bake pastries like Makenna and I.

“Well do not eat any more frosting or cupcakes. It is time for you to get to bed. You and Leighton have a big day tomorrow helping get things ready in the house and the bakery. By the way did you help Makenna’s dad paint your room like you wanted?” I say and ask.

“Okay Dezzie I will go take my shower and go to bed. Also yeah, I have painted my room the way I wanted it. Leighton and I made it cute.” Jordynn says.

“Okay I will let you go so you can go get ready for bed. Love you Jordy.” I say.

“Okay. Love you too Dezzie.” With that, she hangs up the phone.

Putting my phone on the charger I set the alarm on it so I can get up I also set my alarm clock thirty minutes after the alarm on my phone to make sure I get up. Laying down I fall asleep instantly. Thinking about being with my sister again and all the hopes I have for the bakery.  


The actual recipie for the Double Chocolate Cinnamon Cupcakes is:,236,158190-238201,00.html 

The picture of them is on the side also.

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