Part 2 - We chill in a cave in New York

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By the time Percy returned, I was stewing. Waiting while my boyfriend had a little chat with a god was not how I thought our date would go.

I stood up as he reached me and crossed my arms, cocking my hip. He saw my stance and swallowed nervously.

"Well?" I demanded.

He tried for a smile. Usually that alone was enough to disarm me, nevertheless his cute green eyes, but not today. "Good news." 

He told me what we had to do. In short, a giant named Cacus had stolen Hermes' staff and we had to get it back. Definitely not what I had in mind for a date.

Down the hill, Hermes' truck disappeared in a flash of light. As pleased as I was to see it go, I kinda wished it could have taken Percy with it.

I sighed as I digested everything he'd said. "Why is tracking down a fire-breathing giant good news? And why do I want to help out Hermes?"

"He's not so bad. Besides, two innocent snakes are in trouble. George and Martha must be terrified -"

"Is this an elaborate joke?" I demanded. "Tell me you planned this with Hermes, and we're actually going to a surprise party for our anniversary."

"Um . . ." He tugged at his shirt collar awkwardly. "Well, no. But afterwards I promise -"

I raised my hand to shut him up. "You're cute and you're sweet, Percy. But please - no more promises. Let's just find this giant."

We packed up everything except the shield. It was a magical item and very handy for showing aerial images, for use as a mirror and a plate for cheese and crackers.

Tossing it in the air, it expanded into full-size, it's polished surface reflecting the sky.

"That thing only shows aerial images, right?" Percy asked. "Cacus is supposed to be underground."

I shrugged. "Worth a try. Shield, I want to see Cacus."

An image of some dilapidated warehouses and crumbling rocks appeared. A rusty water tower stood at the edge of our view.

I snorted. "This stupid shield has a sense of hunour."

"What do you mean?"

"That's Secaucus, New Jersey. Read the sign on the water tower." I rapped my knuckles on the bronze surface. "Okay, very funny, shield. Now I want to see - I mean, show me the location of the fire-breathing giant Cacus."

The image morphed into that of a scene in Manhatten: renovated warehouses lines with brick-paved streets, a glass hotel nearby and a train track that had been turned into a park with trees and wildflowers. It looked familiar, but I couldn't put my name on it.

"That's the High Line Park," Percy said. "In the Meatpacking District."

"Yeah," I agreed, because now he said it, it hit me. "But where's the giant?"

I frowned as I concentrated on the shield. Under my instruction, it zoomed into a scene of orange barricades and detour signs. An intersection had been blocked off, probably because of the massive square hole in the middle of the street.

"Why would the police seal off a hole in the street?" Percy asked, scratching his head.

"I remember this," I said. "It was on the news yesterday."

"I don't watch the news."

I glanced at him. He grinned back. My anger subsided slightly. I was still mad, but not that mad. After all, I was out on a beautiful morning with my boyfriend. Did it really matter if we had typical demigod business? 

Annabeth Chase and the Staff of HermesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora