i smiled, "yeah. you should come. and if you want you can bring paige." i offered up.

she smiled, "yeah i'd love to. i'll ask paige about it."

i nodded and we walked inside.

"chris sleeping?"

i looked upstairs, "yeah...em i really love how close you're getting to alexis. she really looks up to you." i said and looked at emily seriously.

she nodded and grabbed a coffee.

"yeah no i love her. she's an amazing young girl." she said.

we sat and just drank coffee and emily scoffed, "it really is funny how much she looks like me. and she acts like me too." emily said.

i nodded, "yeah. ever since she was a little baby i told her stories about you."

emily chuckled and looked around.

"what's that?" she asked, pointing to the ground.

i widened my eyes when i saw blood on the ground.

"oh um...that's nothing...i fell..." i said nervously.

emily eyed me and stood up.

"emily what are you doing?" i asked.

she went into a bathroom and i ran after her.


"busted." she said, taking a bloody razor out of the trash.

i gulped and she stared at me in shock.

"em i can explai-"

"it better be good alison because...w-why? i don't get it. you have a beautiful daughter! a husband!" she shouted.

"please you're gonna wake chris up." i said, quieting her.

she sighed and threw the razor.

she grabbed my arms as gentle as she could.

she rolled my sleeves up and gasped, clamping her hand over her mouth.


"why alison? you-you can't do this to yourself!" she cried.

i closed my eyes, "you hated me! everyone did. i just...i felt worthless." i said quietly.

emily sniffled and grabbed my cheeks, "alison. god ali. you can't- you can't do this. i can't lose you. not again alison." she said and a tear rolled down her cheek.

i nodded, "i'm sorry. i won't do it again emily. i promise." i said and she nodded, hugging me tightly.

she nodded, wrapping me into a hug and i embraced her, inhaling her scent.

god that sweet smell.

she pulled away and her phone rang.

"oh that's paige. i should go. i'll see you in a few hours okay?" she said and kissed my cheek.

i smiled weakly, "okay. bye em." i said and led her to the door.

she left and that booming voice was heard, "hey bitch! make some breakfast! sunny side up, bacon. don't burn it."

"okay." i said and went to the stove.

he came down and looked at them.

"i see smoke!" he yelled and slapped my ass hard.

i squealed and he grabbed the pan, putting it on my arm and i screamed out loudly.

he dropped it on the ground and shoved me into the wall, hard.

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