Chapter 3 Big heads and evil sisters

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Dibs P.o.v
I groggily walked to school with my sister Gaz, she's a grade below me, not that you care. I can honestly say that I never looked forward to school days, all I saw in them was just fights with Zim and Ms. Bitters doom lessons. Ever since elementary it's been this way, and now that we're in high school, the repetition was honestly getting to me,

"What's your problem? You're usually bothering me about how stupid Zims "new plan" is."

Gaz's inquire snapped me back and I shook my head at her. I stared at the ground as I trudged along,

"My problem is I'm getting bored with all this Zim bullshit."

She did a small interested grunt in response and continued to walk alongside me. She must be happy that she doesn't have to worry about me hounding on every little thing the Space boy does. Since Skool didn't start yet we just hung around near the steps and waited for the first bell. I looked over to the road to notice Zim show up and scowl at me. I did the same in response, until I caught a glimpse of something behind him...

I saw a girl, a girl I've never seen at school, she had (h/l) (h/c) locks draping down her head and (e/c) orbs. She made eye contact with me and I froze, this intimidated me because....she was very attractive and I didn't want her to think I was like a stalker or something. I'm not, with the exception of Zim but that's beside the point. She broke the eye contact and focused ahead of her again as she made her way inside. I was jarred slightly by the loud ringing of the first bell, I got up from my seat on the stairs, as did Gaz and made my way to my class. I was not in the mood to be lectured and threatened by Ms.bitters. I let myself into the class room and practically threw myself in my seat, I saw Zim giving me a confused look, I ignored him. Before class officially started, we all turned our heads as a response to a knock at the door. I could barely make out a curse from Ms. Bitters. She opened the door and told whoever was out there to come in with a voice colder then usual. I was kinda expecting the girl from earlier, it seemed like they just keep pileing kids in here. Maybe as a last hurrah, I could get her to believe me about I can have some closure, I guess. Ms. Bitters presented her with the usual way by calling them a useless appendage to the student body. I shook my head and listened as she introduced herself.

Afterwards, she took her seat and to my luck it was next to me, I noticed her staring at Zim with her lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed, he stared back with the same expression. I guess now was a good time to start a conversation with her. I shakily reached out and tapped her shoulder, she turned her head to me and shyly smiled.

"Hey, staring at the green kid? You realize he's an alien too, right?"

She rose one of her eyebrows at me,

"Excuse me?"

Back to your P.O.V :)

You weren't sure on what to think about this, sure a green skinned boy with no ears and three fingers was kind of suspicious...ok suspicious as hell, but you didn't want to give away you knowing yet. You took another glance at the green boy whose face looked like he was anticipating you to do...well..anything. You turned back to the trench coat wearing teen to the left of you,

"Ok...I'm not saying I don't believe you but do you have any other proof exactly?" You asked your eyes glimmering with interest at him. You saw his lips curl into a smirk his gold eyes lidding to give him a smug demeanor, you had to admit, he was kind of good looking.

"If you want you can come to my house I could show you proof on my computer."

You were a little hesitant about this, you've barely spoken two sentences to him and he was already inviting you to his house. But you were very caught into this alien thing, you've always believed in aliens. But to actually live in the same town one was based in? Lord almighty, also maybe he could be your first friend here. You smiled and nodded your head.

"Sure, but we'll have to stop at my house and ask my parents first, other than that I could come over."

He leaned back in his chair and pushed his glasses up his nose,

"Sure, you want to talk more at lunch recreation?" He asked.

You nodded in return, but paused when you realized something. What the hell was this guys name?

"Yeah, uh, dude? I never got your name." You said with a small smile and raised brow. His eyes widened a bit and his cheeks flushed a small bit.

"Oh sorry, it's Dib."

You chuckled in return.

"Nice name, kinda cute too. Mine's (Y/n)." His cheeks got even darker and his face lead you to believe he never received a compliment in his life.

"Uh...thanks..(Y/n)." He mellowed out and rubbed the back of his neck in a shy way. You laughed quietly at him and continued to "pay attention" to some more doom.

*Time skip to lunchtime recreation yo*

As the bell rang signaling class was over you waited for Dib next to the doorway of the classroom, he greeted you and you both headed outside and to find a more secluded area. You noticed all the kids pointing and whispering at you two as you proceeded. You ignored there pursuing glares and mumurs of judgement as Dib guided you both to a stray tree in the schoolyard. The grass here was soft and you couldn't help but feel relaxed in the cool breeze and shade. Dib pulled out a laptop from his backpack and opened it to a moderate looking desk top. You tilted your head as you saw all types of picture files. There must've been hundreds of them.

"Is this all your evidence?" You asked impressed. He
shook his head looking quite sheepish.

"Nah just a chunk of it, mostly what I have on here are pictures inside of Zim's base."

"Is that his name? Zim?" You asked, tilting your head. He hummed in response.

"Mhmm, take a look," He went through the picture files and you had to say, they were appalling. Before he could scroll any further through the pictures a high, shrill, pubescent voice rang through the yard.

"DIB-STINK!" Your heads both snapped up. Dib sighed, exasperatedly while you observed the green being advancing quickly. You saw Zim sprinting up to the two of you and he stomped on the laptop, before you could even comprehendwhat was happening.

"Zim! What the fuck?! Do you know how much that-"

"Shut your noise tube, Dib-pig!" He turned his lavender eyes to pierce his gaze into your soul. He walked up to you and stopped so his face was but inches from yours. His eyes were wiring their ire into your soul as he gnashes his abnormally sharp teeth at you. If his goal was to intimidate you, job well done.

"Ignore everything he said and showed to you, Zim is not this alien Dib speaks of!" He turned around on his heels and strolled away like it never happened leaving you and Dib in a complete and empty daze.

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