Chapter 1: The Proposal

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Satine made her way to King Orrin's private study wondering what he wanted this time. The last time he summoned her, it was to explain how plants use the sun to grow. Photosynthesis was an interesting discovery, but in the middle of a war, it wasn't very useful knowledge. Her father, King Galbatorix, is gathering his army to attack them and King Orrin is busy in his private study or in his laboratory studying plants and chemicals. Even so, he still managed to perform all of his duties in a timely manner.

At the solid oak door, she knocked twice, and then waited patiently. "Satine, I am glad that you were able to come. Please, step inside." Orrins desk was completely hidden with paper and books open to pages with strange pictures and diagrams as warm fire crackled in the fireplace.

"You wanted to talk to me about something?" Satine asked, but not harshly. She had little love of scientific discoveries, but she did not hold that against Orrin because there were other qualities that she did like about him.

"Aye. As you know, your father marches against us and it is up to you, Nasuada, and I, as leaders of a nation, to stop him. The Varden is not a certified country, but it is large enough and functions much like a nation, and I have allied with them. We have documentation that states our alliance with the Varden, but there is no documentation of an alliance with Alagaesia."

Satine stood silent, waiting for him to finish. "My father allowed you to live peacefully here when you came to him, which was great, but just because he housed you is no means to declare an alliance, even though you do support our cause."

"So, you want me to formally support Surda and the Varden?"

"Yes, though, I had hoped that the paper you sign for Surda will be much more binding than a simple alliance." When he finished, his demeanor was no longer political. His brown eyes were gentle as he gazed at her.

Satine fidgeted and asked, "What do you mean?"

Orrin turned and shuffled through his desk until he found a small box covered in blue velvet. With the box in hand, he knelt to the ground with one knee, opened the box, and asked, "Will you marry me, Satine?"

Satine gaped as she looked from the ring to Orrin. After a few long seconds, she shook her head saying, "I don't know." Tears filled her eyes at his offer, but they were not tears of joy.

Orrin closed and pocketed the box standing up. He lifted up Satine's chin to look deeply into her weeping eyes. "We don't have to get married, but I had to ask. I love you, Satine, and it's obvious that you do not love me." He sighed.

"I admire your courage to ask me, and I like you Orrin. You have always been kind to me, and I am grateful for that. Yet my heart yearns for something more than fondness, it yearns for love. However, I am a princess, and as such I have a duty to my people as well. My father oppresses them, and I intend to help stop him. So, on political grounds, I accept your proposal." She still looked so forlorn, even though her tears ceased.

Orrin looked shocked. "Are you sure?"

"You are a decent man, Orrin, and I am sure we can live peacefully." She cracked a small smile.

"We can still live peacefully even without being married…"

"Orrin, no one wants to be alone, and besides, who else do you think I am compatible with?"

"There is the Rider…"

"Oh, the Rider Eragon. I heard from Nasuada that he is in love with Arya, and even if that is only some silly rumor, how do we know that we would get along, fall in love, and want to get married? Love should not be a gamble. Look, we have been friends for many years, so I know you, and I trust you."

Orrin nodded. "Alright, if you insist." He took out the ring, "May I?"

Satine held out her left hand where he slipped the ring onto her third finger. After, he kissed her cheek. "You have made me a happy man, and I will do all that I can to make you happy as well."

"Thank you Orrin." She kissed his cheek, then asked, "By the way, what were you studying before you summoned me?"

This time her smile was genuine making Orrin feel better about the situation. His eyes lit up as he smiled, "I will show you." He took her hand and led her to his desk where they talked for hours before heading to bed.

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