The Difference In You

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I had been let out of surgery for a few hours, but I didn't want to talk to Emily and Spence, not yet anyways.

Reid POV

I was getting tired sitting and waiting for jen, so Emily and i drove back to our apartment. We both knew that if the hospital were gonna tell us that JJ made it out safe of her surgery that they would call us, so we both left our numbers down at front desk just incase one of us doesn't pick up.


Okay, I'll be completely honest. Surgery didn't go too well, but i made it out safe. They lost me twice but managed to keep me alive. I never knew so little damage could do so so much. I didn't want two of my closest friends to see me like this, so as kindly as possible i told one of the nurses to not tell them yet that i was okay. And i think she understood. The last few hours i was stocking up on jello, like Spence would. But my sugar level was down, so i was trying to gain it back.
I was alarmed by a voice that came from the door, i kept pressing the nurse button. This person, whoever he was just looked like Alex. I was never told if Alex died or lived, so i was scared to death if he would step foot in my room.
"Sir you shouldn't be here.."
"I have every right m'am"
He showed her something and she nodded towards me, i just glared at her and continued to press the button as she left.
"Calm down Jennifer"
"No, no you sick man"
"Sick man? Wait..wait you think im Alex?"
"You are him!"
He stepped closer to me and i held tightly onto the sheets of my bed.
"Get away from me, GET AWAY!"
He placed his hand on the bed and said his name a few times.
"It's me, Aaron, Aaron Hotchner"
I let out a soft breath when his faced changed and it was Aaron.
Why was i seeing things?

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