Warmth Of Your Skin

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Emily POV
The young genius backed away from what he was doing and turned around
"What were you doing?"
I walked towards him carefully and placed my hand on his shoulder and sighed
"Im sorry Emily..its all too much for me! I cant! I cant do this anymore!"
His eyes were dilated, he was scared.
"You need to talk to someone Spencer.."
"Talk to who? Ive already messed one thing up, maybe two. What can someone do to help me? Im a complete mess!"
"Your not"
"I am"

Reid POV

I chucked the syringe into the bin not showing it to Emily and brushed past her. I didnt want to talk anymore or start an argument. I needed to help JJ through this mess, and make sure she doesn't get hurt.


I started biting my nails, i never bite my nails so i tried to stop myself. But i couldn't, i cannot see spence with another woman but here i am with my co-worker. I shake my head and sigh. Heading back towards my room, Alex stopped me in the hallway and just smiled. I showed no emotion and tried to walk past, but he got me by the arms and pulled me into a hug. I felt the warmth of him and started crying, i just needed someone to hold me, even if it has to be Alex.

I didn't want Emily to catch Reid with some other girl so i brought back his past. Im sorry!

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